READ_TEXT_INLINE 主要是找到他的:OBJECTNAME, TEXT OBJECT, TEXT ID SAP长文本的读取和创建 在SAP系统里面很多地方都用到了长文本,这些长文本的值以其他字符的形式存在表STXL和STXH里面,不能直接去这...
如何创建ABAP的text table (1) create a main table as usual: define the key field CHANNEL: (2) create another table which will be used as text table. Ensure a field with data element SPRAS is included as primary key. The primary key CHANNEL of main table must also be included in the t...
DATA: container TYPE REF TO cl_gui_custom_container. DATA: editor TYPE REF TO cl_gui_textedit. DATA: m2(256) TYPE c OCCURS 0. DATA: ls_header TYPE thead. *单值 SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF BLOCK a WITH FRAME TITLE TEXT-001. PARAMETERS: p_name TYPE thead-tdname. "文本名 PARAMETERS: ...
一、第一种利用跟踪查询,不是用ST05跟踪,而是去表里面跟踪查询,比如你刚刚创建了一个PIR或销售订单的长文本,这时候你可以去表STXH输入日期和刚刚的时间,然后查看在这个表里刚刚产生的这些数据,依据此项就可以找到对应的参数了,这个方法非常实用 image.png 二、第二种前台查看,进入长文本编辑界面以后(记得是双击长文...
原文链接:【ABAP系列】SAP ABAP常用正则表达式大全 回到顶部 前言部分 大家可以关注我的公众号,公众号里的排版更好,阅读更舒适。 回到顶部 正文部分 特殊表达式 : 1.货币格式: '123123211312.333333'.replace(/(?=(?!^)(?:\d{3})+(?:\.|$))(\d{3}(\.\d+$)?)/g, ',$1') //输出 123,123,...
create_error = 1 internal_error = 2 others = 3. endmodule. " MOD_CUSTOM_CONTROL OUTPUT form frm_read_text . data: lv_name like thead-tdname. "Name. ** Object name. clear: lv_name. lv_name = mgef-stoff. ** Read text.
SAP abap使用程序批量创建数据元素 接着前一篇的SAP abap使用程序批量创建域,接下来就是用我们批量创建好的域来创建数据元素了。 原理和创建域的玩法类似 附上封装好的函数代码。 FUNCTION ZZF_CREATE_ELEMENT. *"--- *"*"本地接口: *" IMPORTING *" REFERENCE(ROLLNAME) TYPE ROLLNAME *" ...
Use SE75 to create your own custom text ID for SAVE_TEXT object Example 1: Creating the TextEdit control Example 2: Event handling - Application event Example 3: Event handling - System event Example 4: Calling a methods of the control ...
In ABAP also, we create text for for all the object types that we create, be it Data Elements, Domains, Selection Text, Forms etc. and we need to maintain translations for all those text in required languages in SE63. SAP Translation Hub can be integrated with Backend on-premise systems...
Where do u want to create this text ( in which sap document ) ? Or Do u want to create a text using SO10 ( to use in sapscript for eg.) ? Erwan Reply Former Member 2007 Jan 30 1:06 PM 0 Kudos 1,601 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Use tcode SE75 to create ...