In The Alchemist, Santiago goes on a journey to find his personal legend and learns to understand women and the world. Santiago is a shepherd who transforms into a wise individual. He encounters many symbols and faces them to reach his personal legend. Three ways he changes are by meeting ...
As Santiago's journey unfolds, his encounters with the Crystal Merchant impart crucial lessons. The Crystal Merchant serves as a mentor to Santiago, offering guidance and wisdom. 568 Words 3 Pages Decent Essays Read More Santiago's Mentors In The Alchemist To achieve his personal legend, the ...
When he asked The Alchemist how to turn himself into wind and he doesn’t get step by step instructions he is forced to trust his own judgement and intuition and believe in himself to figure it out. At the end of the story, he encounters a robber who talks to Santiago about his dream...
When he asked The Alchemist how to turn himself into wind and he doesn’t get step by step instructions he is forced to trust his own judgement and intuition and believe in himself to figure it out. At the end of the story, he encounters a robber who talks to Santiago about his dream...
When he asked The Alchemist how to turn himself into wind and he doesn’t get step by step instructions he is forced to trust his own judgement and intuition and believe in himself to figure it out. At the end of the story, he encounters a robber who talks to Santiago about his dream...
In The Old Man and the Sea, Ernest Hemingway uses Santiago to demonstrate some of the qualities of a Hemingway Code Hero. Throughout the novel, Santiago encounters many trials and tribulations that test his role as a code hero. While reading the novel one will see that Santiago endures many...