Free Essay: In life, everyone meets people who influence them and change their life. This is also true in Paulo Coehlo’s The Alchemist. The Alchemist is a...
Setting firm goals is important in life because then you have clear things you want to achieve. In The Alchemist By Paulo Coelho, the main character Santiago knows that he wants to travel. He goes on a journey to find a treasure and he sells everything. He didn’t have a backup plan ...
The Alchemist:In this bestselling novel by Paulo Coelho, the main protagonist is an Andalusian shepherd who has a reoccurring dream of being led to the pyramids in Egypt to a hidden treasure. This destination becomes his Personal Legend or what a person has always wanted to accomplish in his...
Santiago, the main character in the novel The Alchemist, is trying to find the real happiness in his life. Having dreamt of exactly the same thing twice, he wants to have his dreams come true. He is eager to find the hidden treasure that was shown in the Egyptian Pyramids in his ...
Character Trait of Santiago in The Alchemist Novel. A Project. English Department. Faculty of Letters. Gunadarma University. Jakarta. 2012.Novel is one of many literary works that we used to read which has some important elements, one of them is character, and to find specific character, the...
Santiago the Shepherd, spirituality - the kind of spirituality that people can use in their day-to-day lives makes him travel through the process of life. So he can fulfil the needs. As a conclusion, the shepherd can fulfil all the needs from the lowest to highest level. The Alchemist ...
10It takes place in India. Asha of about nine visits herRolledNard(grandmother) on top of a hill. Her Nani has justmade hot fresh Rotis and the Roti is given to Asha to eat.However, the Roti escapes Nanni's hands and begins to rolout into the great big hills.The AlchemistAuthor: ...
What are the themes of The Old Man and the Sea? What does The Alchemist teach Santiago? What is the role of the sea in The Old Man and the Sea? In The Old Man and the Sea, what does the marlin symbolize? What did the old man have on the back of his neck in The Old Man a...
1. Describe Santiago's character in regard to the adversity he faces. What political or historical person could you compare him to? Explain. Santiago faces many adversities in the novel but the main one that makes up the plot is Santiago being shunned as a fisherman in his village by all ...
In The Old Man and the Sea, when is Santiago tempted to let his life be controlled by fate? How does Santiago change throughout The Alchemist? How is the great arm wrestling match similar to the match between Santiago and the fish in The Old Man and the Sea? In The Old Man an...