Sanguinius是《战锤40K》宇宙中圣血天使军团(Blood Angels)的基因原体,以高尚品格、超凡战斗力和悲剧性命运闻名。他在“荷鲁斯之乱”中的牺牲成为帝国历史上的关键事件,其遗产深刻影响着圣血天使及其子团的文化与信仰体系。 基因原体与军团领袖 作为帝皇创造的20位基因原体之一,Sanguinius被赋予完美生...
"Sanguinius. It should have been him. He has the vision and strength to carry us to victory, and the wisdom to rule once victory is won. For all his aloof coolness, he alone has the Emperor's soul in his blood. Each of us carries part of our father withi
专栏/战锤40K (原体雌化)Sanguinius 战锤40K (原体雌化)Sanguinius 2023年11月09日 21:09211浏览· 1点赞· 0评论 萝珺想要受欢迎 粉丝:420文章:262 关注俺寻思俺画的是肚兜啊。。这是哪里出了问题? 本文为我原创本文禁止转载或摘编 战锤 娘化 AI Sanguinius ...
Welcome to Warhammer 40k - Lexicanum! Log in and join the community.SanguiniusJump to: navigation, searchSpace Marines PortalBlood Angels Sanguinius[16c]"If you truly do hail from the realm that men once called hell, when you return there, tell your kindred it was Sanguinius who threw you ...
当当瑞雅图书专营店在线销售正版《英文原版小说 Sons Of Sanguinius 圣吉列斯之子 圣血天使战团 小说合集 两部中篇小说和部分短篇小说 战锤40K 英文版 进口英语书》。最新《英文原版小说 Sons Of Sanguinius 圣吉列斯之子 圣血天使战团 小说合集 两部中篇小说和部分短篇小说
While Sanguinius does not live in the current Warhammer 40k universe, his actions still reverberate throughout the setting. Firstly, he remains an inspiration: he is heralded as the highest and purest of the Primarchs, and it’s commonly believed that his sacrifice against Horus allowed the Empe...
【战锤40K】“我只是一个普通人,我的盔甲下跳动着一颗人类的心脏,在它旁边的另一颗心是帝皇赐予我的礼物。”【路易斯.但丁】 23.2万 238 01:26 App 帝皇:我只能战死,不能死的窝囊 2.3万 1 02:11 App 他们的正义、力量、痛苦和愤怒,都诞生自天使的血脉,或许他们深受其苦,但他们至死引以为傲。 4.4万 ...
Warhammer 40,000 © Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2023. GW, Games Workshop, Space Marine, 40K, Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000, 40,000, the ‘Aquila’ Double-headed Eagle logo, and all associated logos, illustrations, images, names, creatures, races, vehicles, locations, weapons, characters,...
Oldhammer Discussions Oldhammer Files Blood Angels Chapter WH40K 5e (0 reviews) ByBrother Tyler Find their other files Share Followers1 Previous FileHive of the Dead (Warhammer 40,000 4th Edition Kill Team - 2005) Next FileCodex: Exorcists ...
Warhammer-40000-фэндомы-Abaddon-the-Despoiler... 1 千疮之子马格列尔采集到第十六战团 荷鲁斯之子 采集 Warhammer-40000-фэндомы-Lewis-Jones-Abaddon-t... 1 千疮之子马格列尔采集到第十六战团 荷鲁斯之子 采集 战锤40000,warhammer40000, 战锤 40k, 战锤 ...