Sanguinius was now beginning to suffer from the beginning stages of the Black Rage, which infected Sanguinius' mind due to the prophetic visions of his own death. In a fit of hysteria, Sanguinius nearly struck down one of his own sons aboard the Red Tear. He was desperate to prevent all ...
Current Index Astartes II, "Angels of Death - The Blood Angels Space Marine Chapter" White Dwarf261 (US), "Index Astartes First Founding - Angels of Death, The Blood Angels Space Marine Chapter" White Dwarf262 (AUS), "Index Astartes – Blood Angels" ...
Sanguiniuswas one of these children lost in the Warp. His first home, after being spirited away from Terra, was a moon of the planet Baal, Baal Secundus – an irradiated hellhole that was death for most who trod its surface. Mankind, however, is stubborn and adaptable, and life still exi...
Destructive Ability: Solar System Level (Slayed Madail The Undivided, who upon death caused the destruction of a fortress that is calculated to be this powerful and The Neosphere, which is a sphere big enough to enclose a Solar System. Resisted the ruinous powers of The Red Angel, who whilst...