The sitcom was groundbreaking, being one of the few shows at the time that revolved around a Hispanic family. In addition to his work in television, Lopez has shown an impressive range in his entertainment career. His voice acting skills have been showcased in several animated films lik...
Shamanism is a living, breathing spiritual tradition that has evolved and changed through tens of thousands of years so that it remains relevant to the times in which we live. In this special bonus, Sandra Ingerman and Hank Wesselman will talk about how the practice of shamanism is evolving ...
The one most widely accepted today is based on the assumption that drama evolved (演化) from ceremony. The argument for this view goes as follows. In the beginning, human beings viewed the natural forces of the world --- even the seasonal changes --- as unpredictable, and they sought ...
(2005-2007) is a collaborative work using Max/MSP/jitter. In the two-year process of creating the work and performing it, my relationship to composition and performance evolved and changed. Though technically a solo, the focus for the viewer was multifaceted. Technology altered my role as ...
recognition with his self-titled sitcom George Lopez (2002-2007), Lopez explored familial relationships and cultural identity with a comedic edge. The sitcom was groundbreaking, being one of the few shows at the time that revolved around a Hispanic family. In addition to his work in television...