The sitcom was groundbreaking, being one of the few shows at the time that revolved around a Hispanic family. In addition to his work in television, Lopez has shown an impressive range in his entertainment career. His voice acting skills have been showcased in several animated films lik...
to weave a new, healthier reality for yourself, your family and communities and the world. And, you’ll journey into the far future and deep past, as well as commune with advanced beings who have healing wisdom and guidance to share with you and other shamanic practitioners... with ...
It wasn’t until she groaned his name that he obliged her, but tantalizingly, applying his tongue so softly, so exquisitely that her breaths evolved into moans, and her body drew up tight. Attuned to her, he centered the caresses, concentrated them into ever-shrinking spirals, until the sen...
TODD MARKS: There were a handful of people who were doing it, but it was still a developing field — it certainly evolved over time, but there are certain aspects that are still key to using graphics on-screen to help tell the story. The acronym I came up with is V.I.P.A.L: vis...
recognition with his self-titled sitcom George Lopez (2002-2007), Lopez explored familial relationships and cultural identity with a comedic edge. The sitcom was groundbreaking, being one of the few shows at the time that revolved around a Hispanic family. In addition to his work in television...