方法3:在電視機重新安裝應用程式 方法4:在電視機重設 Smart Hub 註:設備的畫面截圖及選單僅以英文版示範——這些各項亦會以您所在國的語言顯示。
Samsung smart TV's are all-in-one entertainment systems, providing easy access to fantastic apps like Netflix, YouTube and Amazon Prime. If you're experiencing issues with an app that isn't working, whether it is crashing or isn't opening at all, there are a few different troubleshooting...
It is strange that everything on the remote was working except the home button and without it you can not access the smart hub/settings. Hope this helps. I think that I had bumped the surger protector and it wiggled the power cord loose from the back of the television. 2 L...
2.按电视遥控器的“项目”键(智能触摸遥控器请按“更多”键,选择“项目”),依次选择“Smart功能”-“Smart Hub重设”-密码0000进行Smart Hub重设,然后按“SMART HUB”键进入页面,按照提示设置Smart Hub,完毕后电视将自动安装或更新应用程序页面。若上述操作后问题依然存在,请通过以下链接报修,由...
再按彩色菱形键进入Smart Hub界面,【设置Smart Hub】-【开始】-搜索网络连接 - 服务条款同意 -【确定】。这样电视就会自动更新了,这个更新时间较长,建议您耐心等待电视更新完毕。若通过上述操作仍不能解决问题,请通过以下链接来申请工作人员上门检测:https://support-cn.samsung.com/supportcn/support...
settings, no luck, restarted the internet hub, but on other devices the youtube works fine, still nothign on TV, other apps working fine, I have run Updates on TV, still no good, tried not to use recent apps, just went directly to youtube app on the list in smar...
Even with a USB keyboard attached one simply cannot just type this in, as it also behaves as a remote. Assistance kindly requested. 0 Likes Antworten Ähnliche Inhalte QE55 Q67A Smart Hub funktioniert nicht mehr/smart hub not working any more in TV 09-12-2023 Tags Samsung TV ...
Last weekend, I was all set and excited to binge-watch Netflix’s Wednesday on my Samsung Smart TV, only to realize that the Netflix app was not working!
1.使用 SAMSUNG APPS 前,请确保电视已连接互联网。电视必须连接到互联网才能使用 SAMSUNG APPS 2.首次启动 Smart Hub 时会自动安装默认应用程序。默认应用程序可能因地区而异。3.快速安装111 在 SAMSUNG APPS 屏幕上,选择最热门、新增内容,或类别。"" 最热门和新增内容显示 Samsung Apps 中最常用和...
三星电视smarthub无法连接到服务器,请与Samsung服务中心联系。 30 无法连接到服务器,请与Samsung服务中心联系。打售后电话说是服务器问题,叫等待,这都等了快1星期还是不行,到底怎么回事啊!!!... 无法连接到服务器,请与Samsung服务中心联系。打售后电话说是服务器问题,叫等待,这都等了快1星期还是不行,到底...