1. 通过www.samsung.com下载该型号电视的最新固件,然后打开并释放到一个清空的U盘中。将U盘连接到电视的USB接口。接着,打开电视遥控器,按“项目”键(对于智能触摸遥控器,请按“更多”键,然后选择“项目”),依次选择“支持”-“软件更新”-“立即更新”。这将帮助您更新电视的系统。2. 再次打...
Our new LED TV will not access Amazon Prime, Netflix or any app. It says "Smart Hub is loading. Please try again later." Error message when we use the troubleshoot option, Smart Hub, says no connectivity with this message: mime-version: 1.0content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 ...
FAQ for Samsung TV, Find more about how to troubleshoot apps that are not working on the Samsung Smart TV with Samsung Support.
2.按电视遥控器的“项目”键(智能触摸遥控器请按“更多”键,选择“项目”),依次选择“Smart功能”-“Smart Hub重设”-密码0000进行Smart Hub重设,然后按“SMART HUB”键进入页面,按照提示设置Smart Hub,完毕后电视将自动安装或更新应用程序页面。若上述操作后问题依然存在,请通过以下链接报修,由...
We found this article that may help with connecting the Smart Things Hub: https://www.samsung.com/us/support/troubleshooting/TSG01109706/ We hope that this will help resolve your symptoms. If not, please feel free to post your feedback and inquiry within the Smart things community,...
再按彩色菱形键进入Smart Hub界面,【设置Smart Hub】-【开始】-搜索网络连接 - 服务条款同意 -【确定】。这样电视就会自动更新了,这个更新时间较长,建议您耐心等待电视更新完毕。若通过上述操作仍不能解决问题,请通过以下链接来申请工作人员上门检测:https://support-cn.samsung.com/supportcn/support...
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If you are having issue's on Smart Hub or it is not working properly, you could try to resolve this issue by Resetting Smart hub or doing a Firmware upgrade. See the below steps to perform these. If the problem still continues it is recommended to contact Samsung directly on0800...
downloadName=FMdownloadName=FM完毕后打开释放到清空的U盘中,然后连接电视,按智能触摸遥控器的【更多】键,依次选择【项目】-【支持】-【软件更新】进行更新。2.重设Smart Hub:按智能触摸遥控器的【更多】键,依次选择【项目】-【Smart功能】-【重设Smart Hub】,输入自定义密码或初始密码“0000”。...
I know you can add storage space but the smart tv internet is seprate so when we tried it we found you could not expand the intenal memory so is this an idea why its not working as it should... by oing that though when we do a clean factory install, it should work as new, the...