如您的 Samsung Smart TV 的應用程式無法運作,請執行下列步驟進行疑難排解: 方法1:軟重設電視機 軟重設會令電視完全關機並重新啟動,而不會將其轉為待機模式。這可解決您在使用應用程式時可能遇到的問題。軟重設您的電視機有兩種方法。 按住遙控器開關,直至電視關機並重新啟動,整個過程約 5 秒。
2 Click the Home button on your remote control and then navigate to the Settings – Support – Self-diagnosis – Choose Reset Smart Hub - Enter the PIN for your TV (0000). 3 Press the Home button on your remote control and Choose Apps – Setup Smart Hub. 4 Wait 3 to 5 ...
Now to the question, I'm getting a new samsung smart tv 2023/2024 and want to copy/move this app to my new TV... how would I do that? I have had a discussion with samsung support and they say that it is not possible to copy/move apps.. But...
根据您描述的问题,建议您通过以下方法尝试:1.通过以下链接下载最新固件:http://www.samsung.com/cn/support/model/UA55F8000AJXXZ-downloads ,完毕后打开释放到清空的U盘中,然后连接电视,按智能触摸遥控器【更多】键,选择【项目】,接着选择【支持】-【软件更新】进行更新。2.重设Smart Hub:...
Samsung Smart TV 开发环境搭建 安装过程极其简单,直接执行exe安装程序,初次安装会花费两分钟时间配置windows下的开发环境,配置结束后,然后选择合适的路径就可以安装了。另外安装成功后还有个选项,提供给开发者Apache2.2的安装程序,说是用来同步SDK和TV,我是将SDK和Apache都安装在了E盘目录下。
Supported Devices TV
One UI 7/ Android 15 Feedback and Feature Requests Posted by horlas0806-18-2024 09:40 AMinSamsung Apps and Services Please include guests mode to ui 7 or mutiuser feature other small phone have it talkless of High cost phone. I hear the feature is included in...View Post ...
Smart TV Learn how to extend your apps to the big screen. Create seamless TV and mobile experiences with the latest Tizen TV SDK. Get Started Tizen .NET TV Framework Public Release Develop cross-platform applications. The Tizen .NET TV framework, based on the C# framework, adds Samsung ...
Google Assistant, which arrives on Samsung smart TVs back in November 2020, will no longer be accessible from March 1, 2024. - SamMobile