FAQ for Samsung TV, Find more about how to troubleshoot apps that are not working on the Samsung Smart TV with Samsung Support.
Samsung smart TV's are all-in-one entertainment systems, providing easy access to fantastic apps like Netflix, YouTube and Amazon Prime. If you're experiencing issues with an app that isn't working, whether it is crashing or isn't opening at all, there are a few different troubleshooting...
Other devices on the WiFi works just fine. I've called Samsung tech support, zero help. They seem to think it's an issue with my phone but it's not. Because my wife has the same issue and she has the Note 11. So I think it's probably a recent update. Who knows when they'll...
I have 2 Samsung TV and on the newer one the apps on the smart hub works perfectly on the older one they don't and there is no way to update them. 0 Likes Reply 1 REPLY Gurky Helping Hand 05-05-2024 09:32 PM You need to reach out to the developer of them apps, not...
Aktuelle Anzeige: "Alter Samsung Smart TV Apps Download" in "TV" ( Anzeigen in: "Produkte & Shop" | "Deutsch" | Community ) 1 Beitrag | 1 Tagger | Erste Verwendung:
In my home I have this TV which is not working, and 2 PCs, 2 Samsung Galaxy S24s, and 1 iPad which are all working with Hulu and Sling great. I have been using my S24 to mirror Hulu since the TV is not working on its own. I would very much like to...
您好:建议您按照以下步骤尝试:1.通过三星官网下载电视型号匹配的固件,打开释放到清空的U盘中,然后连接电视,按电视遥控器的【项目】键,依次选择【支持】-【软件更新】。2.重设Smart Hub:按电视遥控器的【项目】键(智能触摸遥控器请按【更多】键,选择【项目】),依次选择【Smart功能】-【重设...
《Smart TV | Apps with Smart Hub | Samsung US》视频说明:但不管怎么样咱们都应该给他足够多的理解和支持面对美联储发布的调查报告贝克尔反向甩锅他称:美联储之前传递的信息是利率将保持在低水平开始抬头的通胀只是‘暂时的’因此购买了大量低收益投资证券他认为美联储在加息过程中误导了银行家 ...
Smart TV | Apps with Smart Hub | Samsung US,加时赛中,双方防守坚如磐石,进攻端鲜有突破,C罗、登贝莱、莱奥等人先后错失机会,姆巴佩在加时赛半场之后因鼻梁伤势被提前换下。随着努诺·门德斯读秒阶段的射门未果,0比0的比分被保持到了120分钟结束,比赛进入残酷的点球
Samsung Apps TV Seller Officeis the official system for TV application certification and management. Sign in with your Samsung account. When you first sign up, you are automatically designated a public seller. Public sellers can distribute applications only in the United States. If you are interest...