2.5D Package: I-Cube™ & H-Cube™ I-Cube™ deploys parallel horizontal chip placement to boost performance while combating heat build-up. Samsung’s Through Silicon Via ( TSV ) and Backend-of-the-line ( BEOL ) technologies form a foundation for two or more chips to harmonize their ...
2.5D Package: I-Cube™ & H-Cube™ I-Cube™ deploys parallel horizontal chip placement to boost performance while combating heat build-up. Samsung’s Through Silicon Via ( TSV ) and Backend-of-the-line ( BEOL ) technologies form a foundation for two or more chips to harmonize their ...
根据插入器类型,I-Cube™ 可用于 I-CubeS™ 和 I-CubeE™ 衍生产品。 I-CubeS™:I-CubeS™ 凭借出色的翘曲控制,即使在使用大型中介层的情况下,也能带来令人印象深刻的带宽和令人惊叹的性能。超低信号损失与高存储密度相结合,同时热效率控制也大幅提高。 I-CubeE™:I-CubeE™具有硅嵌入式结构,通...
Samsung Electronics has announced the availability of its 2.5D packaging technology semiconductor components known as Interposer-Cube4 (I-Cube4).
藉由三星14奈米製程與I-Cube TM封裝技術 百度昆倫晶片將擴大AI生態系並巔覆使用者體驗 全球先進半導體技術領導品牌三星電子今日宣佈,與互聯網搜尋引擎服務供應商百度,共同開發的首款雲端邊緣AI加速器「百度昆倫」,預計將於明年初投入量產。 百度昆侖晶片設計奠基於該公司針對雲端、邊緣運算和AI應用,而自主研發的尖端神經...
Connectivité Wi-Fi 5G Couleur Graphite Beige Offre de reprise Profite d’une valeur de rachat dépendant de l'appareil si tu échanges ton ancien appareil. Oui Non En savoir plus Vivre plus intelligemment avec SmartThings Apporte du calme à ton monde connecté. Connecte tes appareils intellige...
Samsung Wallet 讓你將所有重要資料整合於單一應用程式中——從信用卡、身分證、銀行帳戶和密碼等重要憑證,到家門鑰匙、車鑰匙、門票和登機證等隨身物品。無需攜帶眾多隨身物品,也無需擔心遺漏任何東西。你可以透過 PIN 碼或個人生物識別資料來保護所有...
USB C Charger Block Charging Station: 100W 6 Port GaN Fast Charging Brick Hub Cube Box - PD 3.0 Type C & USB A Wall Charger Power Adapter for All i... amazon.com/dp/B0D815Z5SL?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share Our 6-in-1 USB Charging Station, a convenient and versatile solution for all...
USB C Charger Block Charging Station: 100W 6 Port GaN Fast Charging Brick Hub Cube Box - PD 3.0 Type C & USB A Wall Charger Power Adapter for All i... amazon.com/dp/B0D815Z5SL?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share Our 6-in-1 USB Charging Station, a convenient and versatile solution for all...