Solutions such as HBM-PIM and CXL-PNM have been developed as a proof-of-concept and this puts data transference and processing closer to memory so the DRAM is not bottlenecked while processing the large AI models. Also, in the portfolio is the development of the Compute Express Link (CXL)...
Samsung's industry first CXL™ interface-based PNM technology, unveiled at Memory Tech Day on October 5, has proven to be an excellent solution for use with high-capacity AI model processing. In testing, CXL™ interface-based PNM solutions have bee...
Leveraging Samsung’s next-generation memory technologies like computational storage, processing-in-memory (PIM) and processing-near-memory (PNM), as well as Compute Express Link (CXL), the companies intend to pool their hardware and software resources to dramatically accelerate the handli...
Samsung Electronics, мировойлидервобластипередовыхтехнологийпамяти, и NAVER Corporation, глобальнаяинтернет-компанияспервокласснымитехнологиямии...
At MemCon 2023, leaders and experts from Samsung Semiconductor and the memory industry shared their insights on breakthrough technologies and innovations in memory. In addition, Samsung Semiconductor proudly presented industry-leading products such as HBM-PIM, CXL-PNM, Memory Expander, Memory-Semantic ...
At MemCon 2023, leaders and experts from Samsung Semiconductor and the memory industry shared their insights on breakthrough technologies and innovations in memory. In addition, Samsung Semiconductor proudly presented industry-leading products such as HBM-PIM, CXL-PNM, Memory Expander, Memory-Semantic ...
(PNM), атакже Compute Express Link (CXL), компаниинамереныобъединитьсвоиаппаратныеипрограммныересурсы, чтобыускоритьобработкумасси...
HBM-PIM: Cutting-edge memory technology to accelerate next-generation AI AIPIMHBM-PIMMemoryHBMChatGPTTechnology Tech Blog Samsung Electronics Semiconductor Unveils Cutting-edge Memory Technology to Accelerate Next-generation AI AIHBM-PIMPIMCXLMemoryHBMHyperscale AICXL-PNMTechnology View more...
is a founding partner. At MemCon 2023, leaders and experts from Samsung Semiconductor and the memory industry shared their insights on breakthrough technologies and innovations in memory. In addition, Samsung Semiconductor proudly presented industry-leading products such as HBM-PIM, CXL-PNM, Memory Ex...