Samsung's industry first CXL™ interface-based PNM technology, unveiled at Memory Tech Day on October 5, has proven to be an excellent solution for use with high-capacity AI model processing. In testing, CXL™ interface-based PNM solutions have bee...
AIHBM-PIMPIMCXLMemoryHBMHyperscale AICXL-PNMTechnology View more * All product specifications reflect internal test results and are subject to variations by the user’s system configuration. * All product images shown are for illustration purposes only and may not be an exact representation of the...
Leveraging Samsung’s next-generation memory technologies like computational storage, processing-in-memory (PIM) and processing-near-memory (PNM), as well as Compute Express Link (CXL), the companies intend to pool their hardware and software resources to dramatically accelerate the handlin...
AIAI ComponentsAI Into the FutureAI TechnologyCXLHBM-PIMHyperCLOVANAVER CLOVASmartSSD
semiconductor solutions tailored for hyperscale artificial intelligence (AI) models. They planned to combine Samsung memory technologies such as computational storage, processing-in-memory (PIM) processing-near-memory (PNM) and Compute Express Link (CXL), with Naver's HyperCLOVA hyperscale language ...
Leveraging Samsung’s next-generation memory technologies like computational storage, processing-in-memory (PIM) and processing-near-memory (PNM), as well as Compute Express Link (CXL), the companies intend to pool their hardware and software resources to dramatically accelerate the handling of massiv...
Technology Showcase Samsung Semiconductor also showcased memory products such as HBM-PIM and CXL-based PNM that support hyper-scale AI models, SmartSSD, Memory-Semantic SSD, and Memory Expanders. • HBM-PIM and CXL-PNM are known for their powerful fun...
In addition, Samsung Semiconductor proudly presented industry-leading products such as HBM-PIM, CXL-PNM, Memory Expander, Memory-Semantic SSD, and the 2nd Gen. SmartSSD. The event also provided excellent networking opportunities among memory industry leaders and access to experts who shared their ...
обработкавпамяти (PIM) иобработкавближнейпамяти (PNM), атакже Compute Express Link (CXL), компаниинамереныобъединитьсвоиаппаратныеипрограммны...
* Shortcut to Samsung Electronics CXL memory technology description↗ PNM, like PIM, is a technology that incorporates memory and logic chips into an advanced integrated circuit package which reduces data movement between CPU and memory by utilizing memory for...