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一、问题现象(附报错日志上下文): sampleYOLOV7MultiInput,单路,rtsp视频流,推理线程时间太长了,imshow也比较卡顿延迟很大。cpu:20%~30%之间,不知道为啥这么慢。 二、软件版本: -- CANN 版本 (e.g., CANN 3.0.x,5.x.x): --Tensorflow/Pytorch/MindSpore 版本: --Python 版本 (e.g., Python 3.7.5)...
跑rtsp_des_sample 样例,程序能运行,但没法用vcl拉取rtsp流Author GDbbq commented Jun 6, 2024 gstreamer 不支持rtspsink, 但是有rtspclientsink, 类似于rtmpsink, srtsink 参考vp_rtmp_des_node修改即可 gst-launch-1.0 -v filesrc location="./vp_data/test_video/face.mp4" ! decodebin ! x264enc !
RTSP is similar to HTTP so it allows passing arbitrary resource name, which makes it possible to have several conversations going on at the same time. In our sample each RTSP/RTP request will be handled by someIPTransmittercomponent, created in run-time. ...
Breadcrumbs gstreamer-cpp-example / rtsp_webrtc.cppTop File metadata and controls Code Blame 819 lines (689 loc) · 23.7 KB Raw /* * Demo gstreamer app for negotiating and streaming a sendrecv webrtc stream * with a browser JS app. * * gcc webrtc-sendrecv.c $(pkg-config --cflags...
Sample: We can provide free samples with product brochure,you just need to cover the shipping cost,welcome to test the quality of our products Packing Details: 15pcs/inner packing,360pcs/carton,Carton size :45*28.5*38cm Color Cata...
SampleVlcRtspPlay-master.zip枯叶**叶蝶 上传 android SampleVlcRtspPlay 点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:1 积分 电信网络下载 单相BOOST-PFC仿真文件,PI+R控制,SOGI,PLECS仿真 2025-02-25 06:39:16 积分:1 【免费】C++跨平台游戏开发库GN引擎SDK1d 2025-02-25 03:19:35 积分:1 Java语言编写的经典...
signo || SIGTERM == signo) { SAMPLECOMM_ISP_Stop(); SAMPLE_COMM_SYSExit(); printf("\033[0;31mprogram termination abnormally!\033[0;39m\n"); } if(session) rtsp_del_session(session; if(g_rtsplive) rtsp_del_demo(g_rtsplive); exit(-1); } /*...