Finally, wait a few moments for DeepStream to restart and open the default output RTSP stream generated by DeepStream with VLC: Open VLC Go toMedia>Open Network Stream Paste the defaultRTSP Video URLgenerated by deepstream, which follows the formatrtsp://your-nano-ip-address:8554/ds-test ...
how to pass values from textbox to listview using click button in wpf? How to play a .mp4 video file with WPF (mediaelement) ? HOw to play a video directly from a URL in WPF How to play video stream using MediaElement in wpf. how to popup a usercontrol over another usercontrol in ...
Amazon Kinesis Video Streams Producer SDK for C++ is for developers to install and customize for their connected camera and other devices to securely stream video, audio, and time-encoded data to Kinesis Video Streams. - amazon-kinesis-video-streams-prod
_url = "wss://"; static gboolean disable_ssl = FALSE; static GOptionEntry entries[] = { { "peer-id", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &peer_id, "String ID of the peer to connect to", "ID" }, { "server", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &server_url, "...