The minimum sample size required for robustness is now 752! On the other hand, if you want to perform a standard One Way ANOVA, enter the values as shown: Now the minimum sample size requirement is only 3. This value applies to each sample or group, so for the 3 Sample ANOVA that wo...
The only requirement about the distribution of the survivor functions is that the two survivor functions must satisfy the proportional-hazards assumption. See [PSS] power logrank. For sample-size and power computations, the default effect size corresponds to a value of the hazard ratio of 0.5 ...
In case of proportional analytical error, application of a weighted approach is important to assure an efficient analysis; e.g., for a range ratio of 10, the weighted approach reduces the requirement of samples by >50%. Estimation of the necessary sample size for a method comparison study ...
This procedure gives the number of pairs needed for the desired power requirement. Sample Size for Non-Inferiority Tests for Paired Means This module computes power and sample size for non-inferiority tests in paired designs in which the outcome difference is distributed as a normal random ...
True or False: To claim that two population proportions are equal, each of the two samples must satisfy the requirement that np 5 and nq 5. True or false: As the sample size is increased, the distribution of t statistics becomes flatter and more spread out. True of False: The needed ...
Sample size determination is an important issue in planning research. In the context of one-way fixed-effect analysis of variance, the conventional sample size formula cannot be applied for the heterogeneous variance cases. This study discusses the sample size requirement for the Welch test in the...
The failure of the strategy for describing behavior was assigned to its inadequacy for the described task. Although at the beginning of the experiment the participants did not know anything about the distribution (requirement), they could learn about the distribution by taking observations (partly ...
As the true effect size is likely to be smaller than that indicated by the initial study — for example, because of the winner's curse — the actual power is likely to be much lower. Furthermore, even if power calcula- tion is used to estimate the sample size that is necessary in a...
Latencies, distance, and speed for the four acquisition trials were averaged per day. The per- manency in the target quadrant (NE) during the probe trial was analyzed by comparing the time spent, using a 2 × 5 mixed ANOVA (inter-group factor: sex, two levels; intra- group factor: ...
This is an unrealistic requirement for symptoms of depression and anxiety due to their frequent co-occurrence. The advantage of factor mixture modelling (FMM) over LCA is that FMM does not assume conditional independence of latent classes [21] and therefore has been suggested to be more suitable...