The ANOVA revealed reliable effects of time for each gaze variable. As time progressed into viewing, we observed fewer fixations, longer fixation durations, fewer saccades, and shorter saccade durations. In no case, however, were reliable main effects or interactions involving music observed. ...
Was an ANOVA of any kind used to compare self-report and objective sleep? Were one-sample t-tests of difference scores used to compare self-report and objective sleep? Were linear models used to compare self-report and objective sleep? Were classification performance measures including used to ...
Sample collection and NEC evaluation. The lung, liver, spleen, heart, kidney, adrenal, stomach, small intestine (SI), colon, and pancreas were resected and their wet weights recorded. SI length was measured on an ice-cooled plate and divided into three equal segments designated proximal, ...
different effect sizes, different degrees of random variability, presence vs. absence of general trend not related to the intervention, different number of measurements per phase). Similarly, and at a more general level, it is useful to consider ...
3f). Post hoc two-way, two-tailed ANOVA adjusted P values are given, where significant. Full size image Gene expression analysis of FACS-sorted cell populations from inflamed tissue from patients with IBD confirmed that several M4/M5 genes were highly expressed in CD16hi neutrophils and ...
3D) nor when the sexes were separated and analyzed by two-way ANOVA (Fig. 3E). The only apparent difference in freezing behavior among the groups was in the saline-treated females, and only during the first 2 min but not in the following 4 min of monitoring in the test chamber (Fig....
Psychotropic drugs were grouped according to the Norwegian Medication Handbook (Norsk legemiddelhåndbok).35 Differences between groups were identified using independent sample t-tests (sample characteristics) and one way between groups analysis of variance (ANOVA) (treatment characteristics) for continuous...
Psychotropic drugs were grouped according to the Norwegian Medication Handbook (Norsk legemiddelhåndbok).35 Differences between groups were identified using independent sample t-tests (sample characteristics) and one way between groups analysis of variance (ANOVA) (treatment characteristics) for continuous...
ANOVA corrected for multi–testing revealed not a single protein out of these 1117 mucus proteins of the olfactory cleft to be significantly altered in patients compared to healthy controls. Based on this data, power-analysis was performed in order to calculate sample sizes for identification of po...
Minimum sample sizes were calculated to achieve 80% power (f = .3) to detect a significant 2 (training group) × 2 (session) interaction if a true effect was present. Power calculations revealed that a minimum sample size of 14 participants per group would be required. We based ...