3. Sample JSON Products Data File (products.json) {"products": [ {"productID":"0000001","manufacturer":"Zara","img":"https://static.zara.net/photos///2023/I/0/2/p/5320/355/800/2/w/563/5320355800_1_1_1.jpg?ts=1697787915583","Url":"https://www.zara.com/in/en/man-outerwear-...
"notes":"Sample notes for feature, explain partial support here", "notes_by_num":{ "1":"First note..." }, "usage_perc_y":0, "usage_perc_a":0, "ucprefix":false, "parent":"parentfeatureid", "keywords":"example,keywords", "shown":false, "chrome_id":"" } 深圳...
This sample demonstrates how to use the Microsoft Graph .NET SDK to access data in Office 365 from Blazor WebAssembly apps. Microsoft Graph C# Serverless AI Chat with RAG using LangChain.js 12/16/2024 Build your own serverless AI Chat with Retrieval-Augmented-Generation using LangChain.js, Typ...
Org.Apache.Http.IO Org.Apache.Http.Message Org.Apache.Http.Params Org.Apache.Http.Protocol Org.Apache.Http.Util Org.Json Org.W3c.Dom Org.W3c.Dom.LS Org.Xml.Sax Org.Xml.Sax.Ext Org.Xml.Sax.Helpers Org.XmlPull.V1 Org.Xmlpull.V1.Sax2 System.IO System.Linq Xamarin.Android.NetLearn...
SampleDataStatus string 样本数据集的加载状态,取值说明: loaded:已加载。 loading:加载中。 unload:未加载。 loaded 示例 正常返回示例 JSON格式 { "RequestId": "84CD7CAF-FA7B-5178-B19F-D8CDE307D5FA_8111", "HasSampleData": true, "ErrorMessage": "***", "DBInstanceId": "gp-bp12ga6v69h8...
project.xcworkspace/xcshareddata IDEWorkspaceChecks.plist WorkspaceSettings.xcsettings xcshareddata/xcschemes CaptureSample.xcscheme CaptureSample Assets.xcassets AccentColor.colorset Contents.json AppIcon.appiconset Contents.json Contents.json Audio Synth.aif AudioPlayer.swift Capture...
If the JSON data describes an object: { color: "red", value: "#f00" } the JSON Data Set will create a single row for the object, and each property on the object will become a column. The data set will only contain one row of data. ...
Sample.cdm.json/Sample SampleId entity a reference to the constant entity holding the list of entity references is.localized.displayedAs Holds the list of language specific display text for an object. 展開表格 ParameterValueData typeExplanation localizedDisplayText 展開表格 languageTagdisplayText en ...
ProductInfoResult PurchaseIntentReq PurchaseIntentResult PurchaseIntentWithPriceReq PurchaseResultInfo StartIapActivityReq StartIapActivityResult iap Overview IapClient IapClient.PriceType Iap IapApiException api.iap.util Overview IapClientHelper PaymentData InAppPurchaseData ...
Preconditions (*) Magento 2.4.0 Open Source MySQL 8.0.21 PHP 7.4.8 Steps to reproduce (*) Ensure Magento is NOT installed in DB Ensure sample data packages are present composer.json "require": { "magento/composer-root-update-plugin": "~1...