1. Sample JSON Employees Data File (employees.json) {"Employees": [ {"empId":"EMP01","jobTitle":"Developer","firstName":"Shivang","lastName":"Yadav","fullName":"Shivang Yadav","address":"Indore, MP, India","contact":"+91-9999999999","email":"[email protected]"}, {"empId":"EM...
"notes":"Sample notes for feature, explain partial support here", "notes_by_num":{ "1":"First note..." }, "usage_perc_y":0, "usage_perc_a":0, "ucprefix":false, "parent":"parentfeatureid", "keywords":"example,keywords", "shown":false, "chrome_id":"" } 深圳...
core Use TestMethod instead of DataTestMethod (#7003) Nov 27, 2024 csharp fix file path (#6980) Jul 15, 2024 framework Bump xunit.runner.visualstudio (#6923) May 30, 2024 github-actions/DotNet.GitHubAction .NET code metrics, automated pull request. (#6279) Nov 17, 2023 iot Remove un...
Use file data with Attachment and Note records Sample: Attachment and Annotation file operations using Dataverse Web API 反馈 此页面是否有帮助? 是否 提供产品反馈 其他资源 活动 Power BI DataViz 世锦赛 2月15日 0时 - 4月1日 0时 有4 次机会进入, 你可以赢得会议包, 并进入拉斯维...
Use file data with Attachment and Note records Sample: Attachment and Annotation file operations using Dataverse Web API 反馈 此页面是否有帮助? 是否 提供产品反馈 其他资源 活动 Power BI DataViz 世锦赛 2月15日 0时 - 4月1日 0时 有4 次机会进入, 你可以赢得会议包, 并进入拉斯维...
SampleDataStatus string 样本数据集的加载状态,取值说明: loaded:已加载。 loading:加载中。 unload:未加载。 loaded 示例 正常返回示例 JSON格式 { "RequestId": "84CD7CAF-FA7B-5178-B19F-D8CDE307D5FA_8111", "HasSampleData": true, "ErrorMessage": "***", "DBInstanceId": "gp-bp12ga6v69h8...
JSON 复制 { "id": "<ID for the data>", "measuredAt": "<Measured date and time in ISO 8601 format UTC time>", "metrics": { "spo2": "<Oxygen saturation in blood (in %)>", "pulse": "<Pulse (in beats/minute)>", "imei": "<Serial number for the device from the Microsoft...
The .ambiguities file is in JSON and contains a mapping of what IDs map to the same sample. Load some data (i.e., if you are running your own server) To make use of this cache, we need to load things. Loading can be done in parallel. First, we need to set the server to be ...
DataAbility组件配置 DataAbility的生命周期 创建DataAbility 启动DataAbility 访问DataAbility DataAbility权限控制 服务卡片开发指导(FA模型) FA模型的Context 信息传递载体Want 进程模型 进程模型概述 公共事件 线程模型 线程模型概述 线程间通信 UI开发 方舟开发框架(ArkUI)概述 基于ArkTS的声...
Learn more about the Android.Media.MediaExtractor.ReadSampleDataAsync in the Android.Media namespace.