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Each case in the data file represents a pair of contracts, one of which recorded a claim and the other didn't, matched on age and gender. judges.sav. This is a hypothetical data file that concerns the scores given by trained judges (plus one enthusiast) to 300 gymnastics performances. ...
Six and 83/100 CENTS (6.83 CENTS) per song for each record sold. (Explanation: In most recording contracts, the artist/songwriter is not paid the full "statutory rate" provided for by the U.S. copyright law, but instead 75% of that amount. As of January 1, 2009, the statutory rate ...
Such search engine shall be incorporated so as to permit visitors to such sites to access the's searchable database of bands, record labels, concerts, tour information, ticket sales and such other information as may be part of such database, and the search results shall appear on ...
Technology Development and License Agreement [Amendment] - InterTrust Technologies Corp. and Universal Music Group Inc. and Other Business Contracts, Forms and Agreeements. Competitive Intelligence for Investors.
A few glamour actresses beyond a certain age even had clauses in their contracts stipulating that only beautifying soft-focus lenses could be used for their close-ups. These optical modifiers eliminate small facial wrinkles and skin blemishes. There are even more filters than there are lenses. ...