The grand prize winner gets a one year, single-song contract with Anthem Entertainment on top of it all! Top Songwriting Contests & Compeitions, Final Thoughts Songwriting contests are generally competitive and winning can be quite tough! But if you focus on having fun and learning from the ex...
Just as in the wider music business, a superstar economy operates in the non-label sector, with less than half a percent of the nearly 13,000 labels representing a third of revenues. But the big difference is the health of the long tail. In streaming, the long tail of artists account ...
“Metalabels are anew kind of label. Metalabels are groups of people working under a common identity for a common purpose with a focus on releases — distinct public works that reflect and manifest their views.” Metalabelaims to provide the tools, resources, funding, community and support for...
Sources may label each section, in turn, prima pars, secunda pars, tertia pars, etc. (from the Latin partum) in a play, a particular character played by a single actor, as well as the script written for that character. Partbook a single vocal or instrumental part of a composition or...
Label stop an ornamental boss at the base of a hood mould or arch La bémol (French m.) the note 'A flat', the flattened sixth note of the scale of C major, which in 'fixed do' solfeggio is called le La bemolle (Italian m.) the note 'A flat', the flattened sixth note of the...
A 2019 report showed that podcast curators with an average audience of 20 thousand listeners per weekly podcast would need just 80 thousand streams per month to generate an income of around 6,500 U.S. dollars. Meanwhile,major record label artists would need over seven million streamsof their ...
Kobalt is the music services company of tomorrow, built on transparency and technology. Publishing, neighboring rights, label services, and more.
More importantly, because we own the music, we can license it out formuchcheaper than a traditional record label would. Royalty free musicis not a loophole or some sneaky way to cheat the system. It’s a growing industry, and a way for people to get quality background music for videos ...
Go indie artist/label instead. They usually hold all rights to their own music and are more likely to make a deal that fits your tight purse strings. You’d be surprised at the variety of indie music available—it’s not all angsty chicks or moody dudes, but retro ’80s, big bands &...
At a time when few conductors had personal recording contracts, Nézet-Séguin enjoyed an open-ended agreement withDeutsche Grammophon. Hisextensivediscography included numerous recordings for the German label, including the 2015Rachmaninov Variationswith Daniil Trifonov and the Philadelphia Orchestra. ...