touch 1-Finger Drag Orbit-rotate the camera 2-Finger Drag Move up/down/left/right 2-Finger Pinch Scale the view mouse Left-Button Drag Orbit-rotate the camera Right-Button Drag Move up/down/left/right Middle-Click Drag Scale the view (up:out, down:in) keyboard Escape Quit the applicati...
It also creates an FBO and texture to render a reflection of the model. It uses an environment mapping GLSL program to apply the reflection texture to a plane. This sample also demonstrates sharing of OpenGL source code between iOS and OS X. Additionally, it implements fullscreen rendering, ...
Finally, it creates an FBO and texture to render a reflection of the model. It uses an environment mapping GLSL program to apply the reflection texture to a plane. This sample also demonstrates sharing of OSX OpenGL with iOS OpenGL ES source code. Additionally, it demonstrates how to obtain ...
WDDM RotateBlt Full Screen ColorFillPresent (WoW64) WDDM RotateBlt Window D3D WDDM RotateBlt Window D3D (WoW64) WDDM RotateBlt Window GDI WDDM RotateBlt Window GDI (WoW64) WDDM Sch_Stress Stres Penjadwal WDDM (AlwaysRepatch) Stres Penjadwal WDDM (Tanpa PrePatching) WDDM Sync - Tes VolBlt ...
OpenGL ES Functions Functions func glActiveShaderProgramEXT(GLuint, GLuint)Deprecated func glActiveTexture(GLenum)Deprecated func glAlphaFunc(GLenum, GLclampf)Deprecated func glAlphaFuncx(GLenum, GLclampx)Deprecated func glAttachShader(GLuint, GLuint)Deprecated func glBeginTransformFeedback(GLe...
The application performs trim, rotate, crop, add music, add watermark and export. This sample is ARC-enabled. AVTimedAnnotationWriter: Using Custom Annotation Metadata for Movie Writing and Playback AVFoundation Demonstrates how to use the AVAssetWriterInputMetadataAdaptor API to write circle ...
Right Thumbstick Orbit-rotate the camera Left Thumbstick Move forward/backward. Slide left/right Left/Right Triggers Move up/downTechnical Details The Particle Upsampling sample uses a combination of rendering techniques to simulate a cloud of particles casting shadows on a model and a floor object...
func glRotatex(GLfixed, GLfixed, GLfixed, GLfixed)Deprecated func glSampleCoverage(GLclampf, GLboolean)Deprecated func glSampleCoveragex(GLclampx, GLboolean)Deprecated func glSamplerParameterf(GLuint, GLenum, GLfloat)Deprecated func glSamplerParameterfv(GLuint, ...
D3D12 - Pengikatan Sumber Daya - Ukuran Timbunan Deskriptor Sampel Maksimum untuk Model Shader 5_0 D3D12 - Pengikatan Sumber Daya - Ukuran Timbunan Deskriptor Sampel Maksimum untuk Model Shader 5_1 D3D12 - Pengikatan Sumber Daya - Akses Deskriptor Null D3D12 - Pengikatan Sumber Daya ...
rotate, and scale GeometricEffects within a single project</string></key><value><string></string></value></item><item><key><string>Create a custom marker placement for placing markers around a...