(2) is the reason for (1). Select the suitable word from the extract to complete the following analogy: Courage: Strength:: Endure: ___ For a moment I thought of running away and spending the day out of doors. Why did he think so? Because he was late for school Because he did no...
An email will reach the supervisor in no time while the letter will augment the fact that the employee is well conscientious. Great going! Related:Sample Explanation Letter for Absence Without Leave Here is a sample letter of apology that you can use: Absence from Work Apology Letter Sample Al...
New York Sub: Enquiry Letter for Laptops Dear Mr. Smith, I am writing this letter to enquire about ABC Laptops. Our company is in urgent need of 30 laptops for our employees. We have a budget of $60,000 and we require laptops with a configuration of I5/ 8GB RAM and screen size of ...
You might have the greatest cover letter for secretaries they’ve ever laid eyes upon. However, it would be completely useless without a secretary resume which lives up to the same standards. Here’s how to write a resume for secretary jobs:Secretary Resume Sample & Writing Guide Secretary Cov...
Explanation -- These types of letters also give an explanation of how the candidate came to be at a place where they are applying for this particular position. Is the candidate applying for this position because budget cuts did not allow them to stay at their previous job? Did the person ...
You can also view letters that have been written by students practicing for the test: IELTS Student Letters IELTS Letter to Landlord IELTS Letter to Landlord You are experiencing financial problems and want to ask your landlord if you can pay your rent late.Write a letter to your landlord. ...
There’s plenty of work for ESL teachers out there. But you’re applying for one specific job: and in the next paragraph of your cover letter, you need to explain why you want this position more than any other. Demonstrate what it is about this school, their mission, or values they ho...
But the reality is, you're a service provider and you should be paid on time for the work that you do - and sending a reminder as soon as an invoice is late helps to reinforce this message. What To Include in an Overdue Invoice Letter Next up: what should you include? There are ...
(c) below. For the avoidance of doubt, (A) the definition of “TI Allowance” in the Work Letter shall include the Tenant Improvement Allowance, the Additional Tenant Improvement Allowance, the Suite 120 Tenant Improvement Allowance and the Additional Suite 120 Tenant Improvement Allowance, as ...