We are writing this letter in relation with your loan application for car. After going through your income statements and yourloan application, we have found that you have a decent credit rating which makes you eligible for the loan amount of $5,000. It is the policy of our bank to check...
An aspect of wisdom is to be able to reason through on a request, not just live by the letter of the law. I was not about to put myself in the position of covering every conceivable variable when I made a request. Don't let your children set the rules. You set the rules and ...
The Office The Open Boat The Open Window The Other Two The Oval Portrait The Overcoat The Pedestrian The Pendulum by O. Henry The Piece of String The Pimienta Pancakes The Pit and the Pendulum The Premature Burial The Problem of Thor Bridge The Purloined Letter The Purple...
the greatest number of valid explanations. They are as follows: The upper teeth represent the more important and excellent members of the dreamer's household; the lower, those who are less important.For we must interpret the mouth as a house and the teeth as the inhabitants of a house......