Sammy, the adventurous seal, leaves the zoo for the day and ventures into the big, busy city. Along the way he finds a school full of kids and new things to do—and he even learns to read! This I Can Read is perfect for Level 1 beginning readers. Sammy the Sealby Syd Hoff, autho...
内容简介:Sammy the seal is bored with life at the zoo, so he leaves to go to the city. There, he finds a school full of kids and new things to do Sammy sings with the students, becomes the star of the volleyball team, and even learns to read. He can't wait to tell his friends...
绘本《Sammy the Seal-I Can Read 海豹萨米》,HarperCollins 绘本内容 动物园的喂食时间到了。所有的动物都在都在开心的吃着食物,除了小海豹萨米,它似乎没什么味口,因为他想看看动物园外面的世界。管理员约翰逊答应了它的请求。小海豹来到了城市里,开始了它的探险之旅,在这里,它都会看到什么新奇的事物呢?……...
Sammy the Seal(机器翻译:海豹萨米)作者:Syd Hoff 出版社:Barnes & Noble Publishing ISBN(13位):9780760770306 语种:英语 开本:16 页数:64 市场价:¥ 185.0装帧 成色 申东价 活动价 库存 精装 九成新 ¥ 40.00 ¥ 35.20 0 有货通知 内容简介 海豹萨米离开动物园,去大城市探险。一路上,他遇到了一...
5362 Sammy KeyesAR5.0兰斯620-860 by:汤汤妈mm 155 Die For Nothing-Trill Sammy by:嘻哈有态度 52 Sorry 4 The Sleep-Trill Sammy/Trill Sammy/PnB Rock & Dice SoHo by:嘻哈有态度 224 Sorry 4 The Sleep-Trill Sammy by:嘻哈有态度 2244 Ain't She Sweet-Sammy Kaye by:小众style ...
进口原版 > Children's Books(儿童图书) > 其他品牌 > Sammy the Seal (I Can Read, Level 1) 海报萨米 HarperCollins京东自营官方旗舰店 Sammy the Seal (I Can Read, Le... Syd Hoff(悉德·霍夫) 著,Syd Hoff(赛德·霍夫) 绘 京东价
图书 > 进口原版 > Children's Books(儿童图书) > 英文原版 I Can Read: Sammy the Seal 汪培珽私房英文书单 一阶段送音频 西文英文绘本专营店 英文原版 I Can Read: Sammy the Sea... 京东价 ¥ 促销 展开促销 配送至 --请选择-- 支持
《海豹萨米》(I Can Read Book, Level 1: Sammy the Seal)是由Syd Hoff(悉德·霍夫)编著,Syd Hoff(赛德·霍夫)绘制的图书,适合儿童阅读。这本书的英文原版标题为"I Can Read Book, Level 1: Sammy the Seal",中文版名为《海豹萨米》。该书由HarperCollins出版社出版,具体出版日期为2000...
s why I would suggest, if you have any interest in the film (and choose to ignore my forthcoming attempts to dissuade you from seeingThe Morgue), you should actually read the revealing description on the DVD case, skip the movie and be thankful you have 84 more minutes of free time in...