Aiming to introduce its cultivation in the Mediterranean environment especially in Tunisia, it seemed interesting to study seed germination of eight populations of cardoon in four concentrations of NaCl: 0g/L, 2g/L, 4g/L, and 8g/L. Our results showed a good variability in salinity stress ...
Germination tests were conducted to evaluate the effect of the fruit's spongy tissue and the intraspecific variability in seed germination among eight populations of the species on responses to light and total darkness, constant and alternating temperatures, salt stress and germination recovery. The ...
at the seed germination stage is one of the major determinants for the stable stand establishment in salinity soil. One population of recombinant inbred lines (RILs, F 2:9 ), derived from a cross between a japonica rice landrace tolerant to salt stress and a sensitive indica rice variety, ...
germination ındexThis study was conducted to investigate the effects of salt stress on germination of six maize (Zea mays L.) cultivars (ADA-523, Bora, C-955, PR 3394, Progen 1150 and Trebbia). The degrees of salinity tolerance among these cultivars were evaluated at seed germination ...
EffectsofSaltStressonSeedGerminationof L/Chang—you,NIFu—tai,WANGShu-fan,LIUFei—xue,LUNZhi—bo,SHIYun—xue,KIMChang—min。 (1.CollegeofLifeScience,JilinNormalUniversity,Siping136000,China;2.GardenDepartmentofSiping,Siping136000,China; 3.DepartmentofHorticulture,SariwonAgriculturalUniversity,Democractic...
Effects of different kinds of salt stress on seed germination and seedling growth of Medicago No.1中牧一号紫花苜蓿盐胁迫发芽率耐盐半致死浓度耐盐致死浓度种子萌发幼苗生长苗高为了研究盐胁迫对紫花苜蓿种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响,试验采用单因素试验设计,测定了不同浓度NaCl...
Keywords:maize;seedpriming;NaC1stress:seedgermination;seedlinggrowth 中国现有盐碱化、次生盐碱化土壤4O00万hIIl2 以上,天津沿海地区存在着严重制约农作物产量 的盐碱危害圆。玉米是粮饲兼用型的主要农作物。 随着畜牧业的快速发展,玉米已成为天津等盐碱地 区的主要农作物之一删。盐胁迫影响玉米出苗和植 株的生长,...
germination.Salinity level had no influence on the seed germination percentage when the salt concentration didn't exceed 3×104 mg/L.The optimal salinity level for seed germination and embryo growth was 1×104 mg/L.The inhibit effect of salt concentration on the growth of embryo's different ...
Effect of salt stress on germination and seedling growth of Prosopis juliflora (Sw.). Seyed Mohammad Hosseini Nasr,Aidin Parsakhoo,Hamed Naghavi,Sekineh Kiani Savad Koohi. New Forests . 2012HOSSEINI NASR, S.M., PARSAKHOO, A., NAGHAVI, H., SAVADKOOHI, S.K. 2012. Effect of salt stress ...
Seed germinationIonic effectOsmotic effectIn order to examine the response characteristics and possible reasons of Atriplex lentiformis and Atriplex undulata under salt stress at stage of seed germination, the seeds were treated with different concentrations of NaCl (0, 50, 100, 200 and 300mmolL1),...