Salt Stress in Plants. Heidelberg: Springer; 2013.Geissler, N, Huchzermeyer, B, Koyro, HW Effect of salt stress on photosynthesis under ambient and elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration. In: Ahmad, P, Azooz, MM, Prasad, MNV eds. (2013) Salt stress in plants: signalling, omics and ...
Check access to the full text by signing in through your organization. Access through your organization Section snippets Salt stress and plants Salt stress causes promising effects on plants whether they are mesophytes or halophytes. Salt stress induced effects on plants have been classified as pr...
Salt and drought stress are two major constraints on crop production worldwide. Plants possess several mechanisms to cope with the adverse effects of salt and drought. Among these mechanisms, stress signaling is very important, because it integrates and regulates nuclear gene expression and other ...
Tissue Culture in the Improvement of Salt Tolerance in Plants The use of tissue culture for improving osmotic (water and salt) stress tolerance in plants has been envisaged primarily on the assumed agricultural potent... Hasegawa,Ray Bressan,DE Nelson,... - Springer Berlin Heidelberg 被引量: ...
Autophagy-defective RNAi-AtATG18a plants are more sensitive to salt and drought conditions than wild-type plants, demonstrating a role for autophagy in the response to these stresses. NADPH oxidase inhibitors block autophagy induction upon nutrient starvation and salt stress, but not during osmotic ...
prevent plants from realizing their full genetic potential. Salt stress afflicts plant agriculture in many parts of the world, particularly irrigated land (16a). Compared to salt stress, the problem of drought is even more pervasive and economically damaging (5a). In this regard, drought stress...
Tolerance to drought and salt stress in plants: Unraveling the signaling networks Tolerance of plants to abiotic stressors such as drought and salinity is triggered by complex multicomponent signaling pathways to restore cellular homeost... D Golldack,C Li,H Mohan,... - 《Frontiers in Plant Sci...
Causes of salinity and plant manifestations to salt stress :盐度与植物表现对盐胁迫的原因 热度: 植物耐盐的机理(Mechanisms of Salinity Tolerance)---中文经典翻译(徐猛译) 热度: 熔盐的热物性综述Engineering Database of Liquid Salt Thermophysical andThermochemicalProperties 热度...
stress. Plants alteration and resistance to salinity stress involve complex physiological, biochemical, and molecular systems to maintain homeostasis. As of late, the investigation of gaseous molecules in plants has attained much consideration, particularly for abiotic stress. Abiotic stresses generally ...
2009 . Autophagy is required for tolerance of drought and salt stress in plants . Autophagy 5 : 454 – 463 ... Y Liu,X Yan,DC Bassham - 《Taylor & Francis》 被引量: 47发表: 0年 Role of plant autophagy in stress response drought and salt stresspathogenAutophagy is a conserved pathway...