Stability, durability and support in a trail running package tough enough to take on even the most arduous adventure. XA PRO 3D V9 GORE-TEX is an icon amongst icons and is as reliable as it is familiar. Super stable, super tough and now even more grippy
Stability, durability and support in a trail running package tough enough to take on even the most arduous adventure.XA PRO 3D V9 needs no introductions, it’s an icon amongst icons and is as reliable as it is familiar. Super stable, super tough and now even more grippy and long-term ...
XA PRO 3D V9 needs no introductions, it’s an icon amongst icons and is as reliable as it is familiar. Super stable, super tough and now even more grippy and long-term protective, with tailored lug patterns and All Terrain Contagrip. Best for Mixed terrain, Rocky, Durable, Stable, 2-3...
鞋底的防滑设计🛠️,无论是在湿滑的石头路还是崎岖的山地,都能提供稳定的抓地力。与Pro 3D相比,V9在舒适度上有了显著提升,适合脚背较高的用户选择大一码。日常搭配伞兵裤和户外裤👖,轻松应对各种户外活动。 如果你计划参加户外探险或旅游,Xa Pro 3D V9无疑是更优的选择。这款鞋不仅提供了卓越的舒适性和...
Stability, durability and support in a trail running package tough enough to take on even the most arduous adventure. XA PRO 3D V9 GORE-TEX is an icon amongst icons and is as reliable as it is familiar. Super stable, super tough and now even more grippy
REI现有此款Salomon XA Pro 3D V9 萨洛蒙女士徒步鞋 Sunbaked/Salmon/Prairie Sun 9.5补货 之前报价:$140.0 目前报价:$140.0 30天内最低参考价:$140.00 推荐理由:库存补货,热门产品值得买 此款Salomon XA Pro 3D V9 萨洛蒙女士徒步鞋 Sunbaked/Salmon/Prairie Sun 9.5是在REI销售,如何购买此款产品可以参考下文...
Stability, durability and support in a trail running package tough enough to take on the most arduous adventure. XA PRO 3D V9 WIDE needs no introductions, it’s an icon amongst icons, as reliable as it is familiar. Super stable, tough, grippy and protect
关注 萨洛蒙(Salomon)男款 户外运动防水透气减震耐磨稳定防护徒步鞋 XA PRO 3D v9 GTX 干草绿 472773-宽鞋楦 9.5 (44) 京东价 ¥降价通知 累计评价 0 进口税 税费信息 税费详情: 促销 展开促销 配送至 --请选择-- 支持 选择颜色 蓝灰色 472706
XA Pro 3D v9 GTX是萨洛蒙(Salomon)的顶级Gore-Tex越野跑者。 这是一款设计精良且功能齐全的防水鞋,通过其 3D 底盘提供稳定的全方位保护和无与伦比的稳定性。 包裹在值得信赖的Gore-Tex薄膜中,具有出色的防水性能。还可以作为抵御各种威胁和障碍的盾牌。除了坚固的鞋面外,它还具有坚固的脚趾保险杠,可充当岩石板...
商品名称:萨洛蒙salomon萨洛蒙户外男XA PRO 3D V9 GTX防水版9代登山运动鞋宽楦 472770-黑色-宽楦 42.5 (UK8.5 42 2/3) 商品编号:10082369483026 店铺: Miss Meredith海外旗舰店 货号:Men's XA PRO 3D V9 WIDE GTX 鞋面材质:织物,合成革 鞋跟形状:无跟厚底 鞋帮高度:低帮 流行元素:其它 鞋头款式:圆头 休闲...