Stability, durability and support in a trail running package tough enough to take on even the most arduous adventure. XA PRO 3D V9 GORE-TEX is an icon amongst icons and is as reliable as it is familiar. Super stable, super tough and now even more grippy
Stability, durability and support in a trail running package tough enough to take on even the most arduous adventure. XA PRO 3D V9 GORE-TEX is an icon amongst icons and is as reliable as it is familiar. Super stable, super tough and now even more grippy
探索户外世界,Salomon Xa Pro 3D V9是你的理想选择。这款专业户外鞋以其卓越的性能和耐用性,成为了徒步爱好者的心头好。🌧️ 鞋面采用Gore-Tex防水科技,无论是滂沱大雨还是雾气弥漫,都能保持双脚干爽舒适。同时,其耐磨耐刮的特性,让你的鞋在户外环境中也能保持如新。🪨 鞋头加固设计,有效防止碰撞和踢踏,即使...
Tough enough to take on arduous adventures, the women's Salomon XA Pro 3D V9 GORE-TEX trail shoes offer stability, durability and plenty of traction for rugged conditions and rough terrain. Color: Nine Iron/Oxford Tan/AlfalfaColor: Nine Iron/Oxford Tan/Alfalfa please select a SizeSelect a si...
户外探险?选Salomon V9! 探索Salomon的Xa Pro 3D V9,这款专业户外鞋👟,以其卓越的防水和耐用性脱颖而出。鞋面采用Gore-Tex💦技术,确保你在任何恶劣天气下都能保持干爽。鞋头的加固设计🪨,提供了出色的防撞和防踢保护,让你在户外活动中无需担心意外伤害。 鞋底的防滑设计🛠️,无论是在湿滑的石头路还是...
萨洛蒙(Salomon)海外购男式户外登山越野跑鞋XA PRO 3D V9 GORE-TEX 时尚舒适 Dried Herb / Black / Oliv 标准40.5/US7.5 京东价 ¥降价通知 累计评价 0 进口税 税费信息 税费详情: 促销 展开促销 配送至 --请选择-- 支持 选择颜色 Dried Herb / Black / Oliv ...
Outdoor Life × Salomon 8 Salomon Xa Pro 3D extreme outdoor gore-tex sneaker $50$8843% offSee Similar 12 months ago(about 1 year) Salomon 12 Salomon xa pro 3d v9 trail runners $90$11521% offSee Similar about 1 year ago(over 1 year) Salomon 9 SALOMON XA PRO 3D $19$4557% offSee...
Tough enough to take on arduous adventures, the women's Salomon XA Pro 3D V9 GORE-TEX trail shoes offer stability, durability and plenty of traction for rugged conditions and rough terrain. Color: Nine Iron/Oxford Tan/AlfalfaColor:Nine Iron/Oxford Tan/Alfalfa ...
萨洛蒙(Salomon)流行时尚XA PRO 3D V9 WIDE GORE-TEX男子越野跑鞋透气缓震舒适 Black / Phantom / Pewter 40图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
XA Pro 3D v9 GTX是萨洛蒙(Salomon)的顶级Gore-Tex越野跑者。 这是一款设计精良且功能齐全的防水鞋,通过其 3D 底盘提供稳定的全方位保护和无与伦比的稳定性。 包裹在值得信赖的Gore-Tex薄膜中,具有出色的防水性能。还可以作为抵御各种威胁和障碍的盾牌。除了坚固的鞋面外,它还具有坚固的脚趾保险杠,可充当岩石板...