A fountain needs to be in the light so that all its beauty can be seen clearly. It should be placed somewhere in front of the house and centered for maximum visibility. For your fountain to remain beautiful and working, you should always keep it clean and service its systems for it to ...
‘Each day that we can delay an extra case is a big win for the HC system. And yes, you really should prepare to buckle down for a bit. All services and supply chains will be impacted. Why risk the stress of being ill-prepared? ‘Worst case, I’m massively wrong and you now have...
” took some interesting turns due to “regular life.” That’s the beauty and the challenge of having a home retreat: life keeps on happening, and not very far away or able to be ignored. Need to deal with my car, keep connecting with some people, job-hunt and apply...
I gaze out at the beauty of my summer garden. Breathing in, I wonder at what seems to me the drive to divide people into categories that are dehumanizing, are not only unkind but also unjust. Breathing out, I marvel at the kindness that I encounter ever day from friends, family, neighb...