This Is/Is Not the Way I Want Things to Change,Timult Books,Volume I of The Spanners,Volume II of The Spanners,Volume III,Writing|Taggedaliens,Amazon,Amazon book sales,coupons,ebooks sale,free ebooks,Kindle Matchbook,multiverse,romance,Sally Ember Ed.D Author,science fiction,Smashwords,The Span...
The somewhat older adults (late twenties and early thirties) in it were mostly vegetarians (new to me), mildly macrobiotic (as opposed to some later places’ housemates, whom I labeled “macroneurotic” or “macropsychotic,” depending on how zealous they were). I quickly learned that these ...
MarketingThe SpannersThis Changes EverythingThis Changes My Family and My Life ForeverThis Is/Is Not the Way I Want Things to ChangeTimult BooksVolume I of The SpannersVolume II of The Spanners,Volume III,Writing|Taggedaliens,Amazon,coupons,ebook,ebooks,ebooks salefreeindie authorsKindle Matchbook,...