Through this blog, learn about SOQL, a query language used to retrieve data from the Salesforce database, designed specifically for querying Salesforce objects and their fields.
Use the Salesforce Object Query Language (SOQL) to search your organization’s Salesforce data for specific information. SOQL is similar to the SELECT statement in the widely used Structured Query Language (SQL) but is designed specifically for S
SOSL在apex中调用时,search query使用的是单引号'',在search调用中使用的是{},下面的demo以及代码均以apex写法为主。 二.SOSL的语法 SOSL的语法如下: 1.FIND:搜索指定的文本,如果searchQuery超过10000,则无结果返回,如果超过4000,所有的逻辑都将移除。SearchQuery除了纯文本以外,还可以使用*或者?的通配符进行匹配,*... Object Query Language (SOQL) 示例 Salesforce 中的用户操作 打开按公司名称排序的供应商记录列表视图。 SOQL 查询 SELECT CompanyName__c,ContactName__c FROM Suppliers__x ORDER BY CompanyName__c ASC LIMIT 26 Salesforce 中的用户操作 点击查看按城市排序的供应商记录列表视图的第二页。 SO...
Execute a SOQL query and Get records actions are based on 'Query' API. Therefore, not all records may be returned due to API limitations (e.g. deleted items). If facing any issue with data getting set to default value using Update record (V3), this is due to header "sforce-auto-ass...
SearchQuery除了纯文本以外,还可以使用*或者?的通配符进行匹配,*代表后面的所有位为任意内容,?代表后面的一位为任意内容。 比如FIND 'z*o'会将所有zero,zoo数据查询出来,但是'z?o'会过滤掉zero对应的数据,只会查出zoo对应的数据。 searchQuery也可以使用与或等操作,详情查看SOQL与SOSL开发文档。
Salesforce Object Query Language (SOQL) を使用して、組織の Salesforce データから特定の情報を検索できます。SOQL は、広く使用されている SQL (Structured Query Language) の SELECT ステートメントに似ていますが、Salesforce データ専用に設計されています。
SOQL Query query True string SOQL Query text. Dynamic parameters can be specified using '@paramName' syntax. Query parameters parameters object SOQL Query dynamic parameters. Key is parameter name (without '@' at sign), value is parameter value. Returns response object Execute...
Not required if the `target-org` configuration variable is already set. -q, --query=<value> SOQL query to execute. -r, --result-format= (required) [default: csv] Format to write the results. <options: csv|json> -w, --wait=<minutes> Time to wait for the command to finish, ...
The following sections describe how to configure the SOQL query field on the Properties page. Scenario 1: Relationship query with polymorphic key and limits The following relationship query example has a polymorphic key and a limit: SELECT Id, Owner.Name FROM Task WHERE Owner.FirstName like 'B%...