,这样我们在下面的 Query Editor中输入相关的SOQL以后,便可以使用 Query Plan Tool来了解官方对当前的SOQL的建议了。...这里有4个值: Index:当前查询的对象使用索引进行查询; Sharing:当前的查询将会使用索引进行查询。当前的索引基于当前执行SQL的人的共享规则来决
运行一个SOQL查询,从ScratchOrgInfo对象中提取记录: sfdx force:data:soql:query --query "SELECT Id, Username, Status, LoginUrl, ExpirationDate FROM ScratchOrgInfo ORDER BY ExpirationDate DESC" 现在,我甚至不能使用“隐藏
So in your SOQL queries, always use field API names, not field labels. If you aren't sure what a field's API name is, don't worry, there are ways to figure it out. More on that later in this module.FROMThe second clause that's required to create a SOQL query is the FROM ...
EXEC ('UPDATE Account SET CustomerPriority__c=''low'' WHERE CustomerPriority__c=NULL') AT SFSOQL8 Salesforce does not supportUPDATEs orDELETEs using SOQL, so the Easysoft driver has to convert the query into a SOQLSELECT. The rows returned from theSELECTare then bulked up into blocks of...
Id) .equals(id); Account account = (Account) accountQuery.getSingleResult(); //if the value is null, an SObjectException will be thrown with the given message Account account = (Account) accountQuery.getSingleResult('Account not found!'); Select fields //get standard fields new SOQLQuery...
; the newly created object contains null values for its fields, which must be set. the count method can be used to return the number of rows returned by a query. the following example returns the total number of contacts with the last name of weissman: integer i = [ select count ( )...
query results accessing sobject fields through relationships understanding foreign key and parent-child relationship soql queries working with soql aggregate functions working with very large soql queries using soql queries that return one record improve performance by avoiding null values working with ...
The query results include three columns. Scroll through the results. Some results under the Account.name field are null because not all contacts are related to an account. Because we know you’re probably still thinking in SQL terms, imagine this scenario. If you had two SQL tables named Acc...
query results accessing sobject fields through relationships understanding foreign key and parent-child relationship soql queries working with soql aggregate functions working with very large soql queries using soql queries that return one record improve performance by avoiding null values working wi...
Salesforce SOQL(Salesforce Object Query Language)是一种查询语言,用于检索和操作Salesforce平台上的数据。在合并两个Salesforce SOQ...