在Winter '23中,允许查找元素中的最大记录选择数从1增加。 如果你正在构建一个Screen Flow,并且需要用户选择多个记录,那么你不再需要使用自定义数据表组件或者开箱即用的组件来执行此操作,可以直接授权最终用户在单个字段中选择多个记录。 04 更新Record-Triggered Flows的相关记录 Salesforce Flow已经成为Salesforce未来...
Learn how to add a flow action to a record in Salesforce. Discover use cases and examples for creating flow actions. Create and test your flow actions today.
根据组织的年龄和复杂性,组织可能已经拥有了数百个甚至上千个自动化,在关闭Workflow Rules和Process Builder之前,需要将自动化迁移到Flow上。可以使用Salesforce Migrate to Flow工具实现迁移。 使用Migrate to Flow工具将Workflow Rules迁移至Flow,该工具现在支持更多种类的Workflow Rules。具体应该如此迁移呢? 在“设置”...
You can also use record fields, also known as Dynamic Forms for Flow, where you can add a record’s field to your Screen element and your flow will take on all the attributes of that field automatically. No need to replicate the attributes yourself. Added bonus: If the field attributes c...
·Flow 相比于前两种,速度更快 下面我们创建一个简单的Flow,并把它配置在Lightning pages上,看看效果如何 1.创建Flow a.设定,搜索Flow,点击New Flow 选择Screen Flow b.在画布上拖一个Screen c.点击选择DisplayText,表示设定成【Hello,World!】 d.把开始和Screen连在一起 ...
Salesforce Screen Flow始终需要某种用户交互。如果你想要一个完全自动化的Flow,请考虑其他Flow类型,例如Record-Triggered或Sscheduled Flows。 拥有的Screen Flow的数量并没有实际限制,但请记住,拥有多个组件会增加加载时间。 可以通过多种方式访问Screen Flow。它们可以嵌入到Lightning记录页面、自定义操作、自定义Lightning...
1. Navigate to Salesforce Flow FromSetup(gear icon), in Search, type “Process Automation” to locate and selectFlows. 2. Set up Flow Step 1: ClickNew Flowand select “Record-Triggered Flow” from the available options. Step 2: From the Configure Start pop-up, type in the Primary Objec...
Salesforce已经取消了对每个组织暂停和等待Flow Interview数量的限制。以前对可以拥有的暂停Flow实例数量有上限,Spring '24版本中已经没有了。 08 增强Auto-Saved Flow Winter '24在Flow Builder中引入了自动保存(Auto-Saved)功能。在Spring '24中,通过为除Screen和Action之外的所有元素启用此功能,这一功能得到了进一步...
You can set components to require a value and provide Help Text so users know what’s expected. It may also aid your users if you set a default value from the context that the Flow already has, for example, the opportunity stage of the current record. ...
无限暂停Flow Salesforce已经取消了对每个组织暂停和等待Flow Interview数量的限制。以前对可以拥有的暂停Flow实例数量有上限,Spring '24版本中已经没有了。 08 增强Auto-Saved Flow Winter '24在Flow Builder中引入了自动保存(Auto-Saved)功能。在Spring '24中,通过为除Screen和Action之外的所有元素启用此功能,这一功...