如果需要创建一个新Flow,仍然可以遵循Flow设计策略,确保其设计与组织中的其他自动化保持一致。Record-Triggered Flow最佳实践01三原则此最佳实践包括每个对象最多有3个Record-Triggered Flows:Create/Update (Before)Create/Update (After)Delete (Before)最终,基于特定对象内发生的操作触发的所有功能,都可以仅使用这三...
在Winter '24中,你可以在某些元素完全配置之前保存流程,从而更快地配置Flow。通过此次更新,Flow Builder迈出了支持在构建过程中保存Flow草稿的第一步。你可以保存Flow,无需完全配置Record-Triggered Flow中的开始元素,并在所有Flow中创建记录元素。通过元素属性窗口的更新,可以在配置元素时查看Flow并与之交互。03 F...
2. 通过Flow或者Trigger,Account Name包含test情况下,发布Platform Event. 3. lwc进行订阅:这里看一下加粗的两行,messageCallback函数看上去有自己的上下文,如果不传递进去,获取的recordId则为 undefined, context也相同。 import { LightningElement, api, wire } from "lwc"; import { ShowToastEvent } from"ligh...
Let’s talk through adding elements to the flow so it can do something with that ID. The first element to add to the canvas isGet Recordsso that the flow can look up opportunities attached to the account. You give itspecific criteria: Find opportunities where accountID = recordId (that w...
I'm then going to send an email with an attachment that we get from that opportunity. So I'm going to start by creating a record triggered flow. But you could use this action in screen Flows as well. For my object, I'll choose Opportunity and I'll set the entry conditions to be ...
通过Flow或者Trigger,Account Name包含test情况下,发布Platform Event. lwc进行订阅:这里看一下加粗的两行,messageCallback函数看上去有自己的上下文,如果不传递进去,获取的recordId则为 undefined, context也相同。 代码语言:javascript 复制 import{LightningElement,api,wire}from"lwc";import{ShowToastEvent}from"lightnin...
这仅适用于某些元素,如Start,Transform (Beta),Create,Update,Get,Delete。 05 Flow Trigger Explorer筛选 在Flow Trigger Explorer中查看Record-Triggered Flow时,使用筛选条件缩小结果范围。可以按照Status, Package State, Process Type进行筛选。 06 使用反应性组件构建Screen Flow ...
Explore the developer resources for Salesforce Flow to automate processes for every app, experience, and portal with declarative tools.
你可以保存Flow,无需完全配置Record-Triggered Flow中的开始元素,并在所有Flow中创建记录元素。通过元素属性窗口的更新,可以在配置元素时查看Flow并与之交互。 03 Flow的Transform组件 Transform是Flow的一个新逻辑元素,使用户能够将数据从数据源映射到新的目标数据位置。与进行HTTP标注的Action元素相结合,你可以构建一个...
Represents a relationship between a record and a flow interview. When a flow interview is paused, Salesforce uses the $Flow.CurrentRecord global variable in the flow to associate the interview with a record. Available in API version 42.0 and late