Solution categories help customer support representatives find solutions faster when solving cases. If you use the Self-Service portal or public solutions, your customers can browse solutions by category to find what they need. See also Parent Category.) 渠道管理员(Channel Manager) 渠道管理员是管理...
服务就是厂商提供专业的、与Salesforce和Lightning平台相关的服务,如增强的客户支持或配置协助,这些服务可以在AppExchange上列出。(A service is an offering of professional assistance. Services related to Salesforce and the Lightning Platform, such as enhanced customer support or assistance with configuration can...
Most often, Salesforce customers utilize the platform to streamline sales operations, making convoluted sales processes more efficient and generating more leads, according to IDC (Source). Along with sales professionals, other teams like customer support can benefit from Salesforce CRM as well. ...
If you express an interest in obtaining additional information about our services; request customer support (including accessing the Help & Training Portal); use our “Contact Us” or similar features; register to use our websites or to receive communications; sign up for an event, webinar or ...
Interactive support Most CRM providers offer a toll-free support number and live chat options to speak directly with a customer support specialist. They may also have chat bots that direct you towards the information you need, or provide email addresses where you can reach out for answers on ...
Find customer service from top companies including phone number, online support, social media and chat Home Companies Add Company News Thanks Contact Us Home » Directory » » Update Listing information update ...
Personalise every experience along the customer journey with the Customer 360. Unify marketing, sales, service, commerce, and IT on the world's #1 CRM.
If you express an interest in obtaining additional information about our services; request customer support (including accessing the Help & Training Portal); use our “Contact Us” or similar features; register to use our websites or to receive communications; sign up for an event, webinar or ...
B.ContactingSale.comCustomerSupport C.Itisenabledbydefault Ans:B [812]Whatistheumlengthofthealiasfield? A.12 B.10 C.8 Ans:C [813]Ifsinglesign-onisenabledforyourorganization,APIanddesktopuserscannot logintoSalesunlesstheirIPaddressisincludedonyourorganization’slistof trustedIPaddressesorontheirprofile...
partners partner program overview customer success back customer success reach your goals with our customer success experts. see all services success plans get the right level of support and guidance to grow your business. professional services implement, innovate,...