只需按照https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api_rest.meta/api_rest/quickstart_code.htm的指示使用curl命令即可。如果我复制一个原始的curl命令到Postman中运行,则会继续出现“INVALID_SESSION_ID”错误,但在ZSH中正常工作。 所谓实用的GUI不过如此。 -j_quelly 你尝试过@Apocawaka的解决方案来...
{"message":"Session expired or invalid","errorCode":"INVALID_SESSION_ID"} ] 奇怪的是,当我将所有凭据更改为使用不同电子邮件地址创建的免费“开发人员帐户”时,一切正常。除了来自任一帐户的值外,所有请求和标头都完全相同。 在这里挖掘了很多话题后,我想也许我的生产帐户(我现在发布的帐户)没有启用 API。...
The Salesforce connector has special handling for authentication however due to a limitation on the Salesforce backend, tokens will expire if not used for a long amount of time and users might face a "Bad_OAuth_Token/Session expired or invalid" error. Please re-login with your credentials. ...
訊息:invalid_grant:驗證失敗 發生狀況:驗證失敗 疑難排解步驟:中斷與Salesforce的連線,然後重新連線。 錯誤:CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY 類別:存取/驗證 訊息:{"errorCode":"INVALID_SESSION_ID","message":"工作階段已過期或無效"} ...
The Salesforce connector has special handling for authentication however due to a limitation on the Salesforce backend, tokens will expire if not used for a long amount of time and users might face a "Bad_OAuth_Token/Session expired or invalid" error. Please re-login with your credentials. ...
, access is restricted. if you have a custom or packaged application that uses javascript to access session id cookies, your application breaks if requirehttponly is set to true . the application can't access the cookie. note this field is available in api version 40.0 and later. require...