sessionId='{!GETSESSIONID()}'; ... ... </apex:page> 针对自定义onclick javascript按钮的引入: 代码语言:javascript 复制 {!requireScript("/soap/ajax/38.0/connection.js")} ... 2.Embedding API Calls in JavaScript :在javascript中嵌入API,然后通过回掉函数进行函数成功或者失败的处理操作; 3.Pr...
void sessIdTask() { String userId = UserInfo.getUserId(); Task t = new Task(); t.OwnerId = userId; t.Subject = 'Session Id for ' + UserInfo.getName() + ' ' +; t.Status = 'Open'; t.Priority = 'Normal'; t.Description = UserInfo.getSessionId(); in...
$Api.Session_ID} </apex:page> ContactController: 只需要修改 getSessionId方法即可 代码语言:javascript 复制 @AuraEnabled(cacheable=true) public static String getSessionId() { return Page.GenerateSessionId.getContent().toString().trim(); } 验证:搞定 总结:篇中只展示了一下通过 REST API去批量...
( loginresult . getsessionid ( ) ) ; this . metadataconnection = new metadataconnection ( metadataconfig ) ; } } deleting components from an organization to delete components, perform a deployment with the deploy() call by using a destructive changes manifest file that lists the components to...
string getsessionid() returns the session id for the current session. signature public static string getsessionid() return value type: string usage you can use getsessionid() both synchronously and asynchronously. in asynchronous apex (batch, future, queueable, or scheduled apex), this method ...
我收到了一个令牌,但是当我尝试做一些像 GET /limits 这样简单的事情时, 获取 响应是: [ {"message":"Session expired or invalid","errorCode":"INVALID_SESSION_ID"} ] 奇怪的是,当我将所有凭据更改为使用不同电子邮件地址创建的免费“开发人员帐...
Get Session ID and Server URL from SFDC Assign SFDC Server URL and Session ID value into REST adapter service using dynamic configuration. In the Receiver REST adapter Communication Channel: REST adapter service configured on receiver communication channel for all REST service call from SAP PI/PO ...
EchoSignActionBatch batch = new EchoSignActionBatch( agreementIds, 'Remind', UserInfo.getSessionId(), submitterUser); syncProcessId = Database.executeBatch(batch, 5);批量协议模板以·SOQL 查询和协议模板记录 ID 为输入。执行该查询以获取一组主对象记录,每个对象通过提供的协议模板运行以生成协议记录。这...
Salesforce コネクタには認証用の特別な処理がありますが、Salesforce バックエンドの制限のため、トークンは長期間使用されないと有効期限が切れ、ユーザーは "Bad_OAuth_Token/Session が期限切れ、または無効です" エラーに直面する可能性があります。 資格情報を使用して再度ログインしてくださ...
'{!$RemoteAction.AccountRemoter.getAccount}', accountName, function(result, event){ if (event.status) { // Get DOM IDs for HTML and Visualforce elements like this document.getElementById('remoteAcctId').innerHTML =result.Id document.getElementById( ...