開発者コンソールーーーー>Ctrl+E 匿名块:开发者临时执行Apex代码的地方,在此出写的代码,不用放到类中,直接execute点击执行即可。
Lightning, Lightning Web Component, Einstein, Apex, API, AI, Salesforce Integration, Salesforce APIs, Salesforce Security and Community Portal
using salesforce features with apex / chatter in apex / chatter in apex examples chatter in apex examples use these examples to perform common tasks with chatter in apex. get feed elements from a feed get feed elements from another user’s feed get community-specific feed elements from a ...
apex, the api, and the components in managed packages evolve in subsequent released versions, a class or trigger is still bound to versions with specific, known behavior. setting a version for an installed package determines the exposed interface and behavior of any apex code in the installe...
Salesforce Apex code review toolsare software utilities used to analyze and review the quality, security, and performance of Apex code (Salesforce’s proprietary programming language). Examples include PMD, CodeScan, and Clayton, which help ensure best practices, identify vulnerabilities, and maintain...
A library of concise, meaningful examples of Apex code for common use cases following best practices. visualforce-to-lwcPublic A collection of code examples to help you move from Visualforce to LWC. dreamhouse-lwcPublic Sample application for Lightning Web Components on Salesforce Platform. Part of...
Salesforce将Agentforce for Developers描述为一款AI驱动的开发工具,可以作为Visual Studio Code(VS Code)的扩展插件使用。它基于CodeGen和xGen-Code技术构建,支持在VS Code、Open VSX市场以及Salesforce Expanded Pack中安装。 简单来说,这款工具的核心功能是通过自然语言提示生成Apex代码,并自动提供代码补全建议。
Personalise every experience along the customer journey with the Customer 360. Unify marketing, sales, service, commerce, and IT on the world's #1 CRM.
import{LightningElement,track,wire}from'lwc';constcolumns=[{label:'Name',fieldName:'Name',type:'text'}];importgetAllListfrom'@salesforce/apex/Demo_ObjectController.getAllList';exportdefaultclassdemoObjectListextendsLightningElement{columns=columns;@track datas;@wire(getAllList)getAllList({error,data...
Apex is a strongly typed, object-oriented programming language that allows developers to execute flow and transaction control statements on the Salesforce Platform server, in conjunction with calls to the API. This guide introduces you to