ApexClassId 执行Job的ApexClass的Id,参照先是ApexClass CompletedDate Job完成日时 CronTriggerId 适用于ScheduledApex,取得关联的定时任务情报,参照先是CronTrigge ExtendedStatus 处理中发生一个以上的错误时,最初的简单错误可以在这里查看 JobItemsProcessed Job项目数 JobType Job种类,有效值Future,SharingRecalculation,...
<template><lightning-cardtitle="Datatable Example"icon-name="custom:custom63"><templateif:true={contact.data}><lightning-datatablekey-field="Id"data={contact.data}columns={columns}onsave={handleSave}draft-values={draftValues}></lightning-datatable></template><templateif:true={contact.error}><...
; it is not supported for apexclass. note packageversion packageversion identifies a version of a managed package. a package version is a number that identifies the set of components uploaded in a package. the version number has the format majornumber.minornumber.patchnumber (for example, 2.1....
; it is not supported for apexclass. note packageversion packageversion identifies a version of a managed package. a package version is a number that identifies the set of components uploaded in a package. the version number has the format majornumber.minornumber.patchnumber (for example, 2.1....
定时任务调用需要单独写一个ApexClass,实现Schedulable接口,并重写execute方法,举例如下 ExampleUpdateBatch.cls 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制Cloud Studio 代码运行 global with sharing class ExampleUpdateBatch implements Database.Batchable,Database.Stateful,Database.AllowsCallouts { public final String...
APEX Classes Class for Account Creation Public Class AccountCreation { Public List<Account> CreateAccount(String s, String p){ List<Account> a = new List<Account>(); for(Account acc:a) { acc.Name=s; acc.phone=p; insert all; } return a; } } Go to Developer Console and execute the...
For example: List<Integer> ls = new List<Integer>(); ls.add(30); ls.add(40); String strList = String.valueOf(ls); System.assertEquals( '(30, 40)', strList); List of Apex String Methods Salesforce- There are different types of Apex String Methods in Apex String Class that allow...
在Developer Console 中,单击File(文件)|New(新建)|Apex Trigger(Apex 触发器)。 输入ExampleTrigger作为触发器名称,然后为 sObject 选择Contact(联系人)。单击Submit(提交)。 将默认代码替换为以下内容,然后将sendMail()中的电子邮件地址占位符文本修改为您的电子邮件地址。
</apex:form> </apex:page> /*** Controller ***/ public class exampleCon { String uname; public String getUsername() {return uname;}public PageReference sayHello() {uname = UserInfo.getName();return null;} public void setState(String n) {state = n;} ...
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