Of the 143902 characters on Anime Characters Database, 2 are from the franchise Saints Row (Series).
Welcome to Santo Ileso, a vibrant fictional city in the American Southwest. In a world rife with crime, where lawless factions fight for power, a group of young friends embark on their own criminal venture, as they rise to the top in their bid to become
Boss is a character from the Video Game Saints Row (2022). They have been indexed as Many Adult with Brown eyes and Black hair that is To Ears length. TraitAppearsOfficial Gender Many Eye Color Brown Hair Color Black Hair Length To Ears Apparent Age Adult Animal Ears No Relati...
" In Saints Row 2, he is a bit taller than most characters, whilst he is of more average height in all other games. This is especially obvious when stood beside Carlos or Shaundi, as they are the shortest Saints in Saints Row 2....
in: Characters in Saints Row 2, Characters in Saints Row: The Third, Characters in Saints Row IV, and 2 more English Shaundi Sign in to edit Main Quotes Gallery Shaundi SRTTR Future Fun SRIV SRTT SR2 Basic Information Unlockable Yes Gender Female Hometown Stilwater Family ...
Saints Row 3.9 Great for Beginners Diverse Characters Overview Add-Ons Achievements Welcome to Santo Ileso, a vibrant fictional city in the American Southwest. In a world rife with crime, a group of young friends embark on their own criminal venture, as they rise to the top in their bid to...
This game just feels like a fucking expansion pack, not a full game. So Saints Row IV is the sequel to the previous title but it really just seems like a really big expansion pack and not a full game. Saints Row is just a GTA clone that doesn't take itself seriously at all and is...
Matt Miller is a character in Saints Row: The Third, Saints Row IV, Enter the Dominatrix, How the Saints Save Christmas and Saints Row: Gat out of Hell.[4]Don't you get it? I'm God in here.— Matt Miller, in his final confrontation with Playa.[5] The thi
Saints Row: Dirigido por Douglas Carrigan, Larry E Gates II, Jaimie Johnson. Com Max Mittelman, Erica Lindbeck, Catero Alain Colbert, Bryce Charles. Reboot of the Saints Row game series, starring a new cast of characters.
The Gentlemen of the Row mod for Saints Row 2 PC is a massive integrated collection of mods, tweaks, and fixes that greatly enhances the game while still staying true to the spirit of the original. The mod has been carefully balanced to be used by either a newcomer or a veteran to the...