Of the 143902 characters on Anime Characters Database, 2 are from the franchise Saints Row (Series).
Welcome to Santo Ileso, a vibrant fictional city in the American Southwest. In a world rife with crime, where lawless factions fight for power, a group of young friends embark on their own criminal venture, as they rise to the top in their bid to become
Johnny Gat is a character from the Franchise Saints Row (Series). They have been indexed as 男性 成人 with Not Visible eyes and 黑色 hair that is 齐耳 length. TraitAppearsOfficial 性别 男性 眼睛的颜色 Not Visible 头发颜色 黑色 头发长度 齐耳 Apparent Age 成人 猫耳 No Relations ...
Uploader:chiko01 Features:*Now all Saints gang options are turned to green*Main characters like Gat also turned green*All the gang tags, graffitis, cars changed their colors*Also i decide change Sons of Samedi gang to purple because it wouldnt be good if there were two green gangsSo purple...
Saints Row is set in the new city of Santo Ileso, inspired by the American Southwest, and the trailer takes a deep dive into its design, variety, various districts, and more.New details are also provided on the four primary characters of the game (which includes the protagonist, of course...
Create the most outlandish characters every seen, from washed-up celebrities to naked ninja pirates. Inside every sinner, there is a Saint. Who will you become? Portable Over The Top Co-op Fly solo, or play online with a homie and for the first time – two players can play side to sid...
Saints Row Characters Should Embrace Their Craziness There's a certain charm to the characters of the first fewSaints Rowgames.Johnny Gat, Shaundi, and the player characterare all fondly remembered by the fanbase not only because they were likable, but also because they didn't clash with the ...
Indeed, persecution is welcomed by Julian and the other men who are “lustbære for … wita to þrowienne” (l. 83; “desirous to … suffer torments”), ostensibly to prove their faith, but the torture also enables the manhood act of resistance to control, to compensate ...
The rumour mill has been hinting about a new entry to the Saints Row series for a couple of weeks...
game, both DLC mission packs, plus 25+ DLC weapons, 15 new vehicles, 60+ wardrobe items, 15 new homies & 6 new superpower elements • Visual Enhancements - experience Saints Row IV in the highest resolution yet, with visual fidelity enhancements for enemy characters, environments, and ...