The church spread with astonishing rapidity. Already in the Acts of the Apostles its movement from one headquarters to another can be traced:Jerusalem,Damascus, andAntioch; the missions ofSt. PaultoAsia Minor(Tarsus,Iconium,Ephesus, andCyprus); the crossing toMacedonia(PhilippiandThessalonica) andAc...
Paul in the eastern Mediterranean(more) The church spread with astonishing rapidity. Already in the Acts of the Apostles its movement from one headquarters to another can be traced: Jerusalem, Damascus, and Antioch; the missions of St. Paul to Asia Minor (Tarsus, Iconium, Ephesus, and Cyprus...
Paul in the eastern Mediterranean(more) The church spread with astonishing rapidity. Already in the Acts of the Apostles its movement from one headquarters to another can be traced: Jerusalem, Damascus, and Antioch; the missions of St. Paul to Asia Minor (Tarsus, Iconium, Ephesus, and Cyprus...
Paul in the eastern Mediterranean(more) The church spread with astonishing rapidity. Already in the Acts of the Apostles its movement from one headquarters to another can be traced: Jerusalem, Damascus, and Antioch; the missions of St. Paul to Asia Minor (Tarsus, Iconium, Ephesus, and Cyprus...
AtPhilippi(near present-day Kavála, Greece), where Paul first preached the gospel in Europe, Silas and Paul were beaten and imprisoned for healing an enslaved girl possessed by “a spirit of divination.” After their release, they missioned in Thessalonica. Expelled, they went to Beroea, whe...
Stephen’s feelings about the Temple seem to have been more completely negative than those of the first Christians generally; the latter, includingSt. Paul, continued to frequent it. Its sacrificialritesserved in many ways to shape the theological interpretation ofsalvationthrough the death of Jesus...
Paul in the eastern Mediterranean(more) The church spread with astonishing rapidity. Already in the Acts of the Apostles its movement from one headquarters to another can be traced: Jerusalem, Damascus, and Antioch; the missions of St. Paul to Asia Minor (Tarsus, Iconium, Ephesus, and Cyprus...
Paul in the eastern Mediterranean(more) The church spread with astonishing rapidity. Already in the Acts of the Apostles its movement from one headquarters to another can be traced: Jerusalem, Damascus, and Antioch; the missions of St. Paul to Asia Minor (Tarsus, Iconium, Ephesus, and Cyprus...
Jerusalem had fallen into Muslim hands on August 23, 1244, and the armies of the sultan of Egypt had seized Damascus. If aid from the West was not forthcoming, the Christian kingdom of the East would soon collapse. In Europe the times had never been more propitious for a Crusade. There...