三幅马赛克作品,左:St. Paul, Arian Baptistery, Ravenna;中:St. Paul Preaching in Berea,center of the Altar of the Apostle Paul, Viera, Greece (Berea, Macedonia);右:St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church. Westwood, CA. 左:francesco fracanzano - St. Paul;中:Pompeo Batoni - St Paul, c.1...
在那里,保罗在犹太会堂教导犹太人和敬畏上帝的希腊人(God-fearing Greeks),在亚略巴古(Areopaguss)⁴ 给希腊的知识分子讲道,内容涉及基督论的早期问题(描绘雅典/亚略巴古布道场景的更多图片见Part II)。之后,保罗从雅典出发,去了哥林多(Corinth)。 Mosaic showing Paul preaching at Berea, Church of the Anastasis ...
St. Louis Neighborhood Map: Downtown West: 2019 Stanley Cup Champions, Downtown: Baseball bros, Columbus Square: , Carr Square: why are u gae, Peabody-Darst-Webbe: Inpatients, Old North Saint Louis: Abandoned buildings , McKinley Heights: Actually nice,
Tags St Paul Cathedral in London Download: freeWebsite: Thingiverse add to list order this print Saint Elie Armenian Catholic Church Beirut Download: freeWebsite: MyMiniFactory add to list order this print Tags Saint Elie Armenian Catholic Church Beirut Download: freeWebsite: MyMiniFactory ad...
Saint Paul - Fabbrica of St. Peter′s, Vatican Museum, 13世纪下半叶(梵蒂冈博物馆圣彼得大教堂壁画碎片) ~ 早期生活 ~ 前面提到,我们接触到保罗早期生活和工作的两个主要信息来源是圣经的《使徒行传》和保罗写给早期基督教团体的自传体书信。保罗很可能出生于公元前5年到公元5年之间。《使徒行传》指出保罗...
Missionary travels of St. Paul in the eastern Mediterranean The church spread with astonishing rapidity. Already in the Acts of the Apostles its movement from one headquarters to another can be traced:Jerusalem,Damascus, andAntioch; the missions ofSt. PaultoAsia Minor(Tarsus,Iconium,Ephesus, andCy...
Saint Silas, early Christian prophet and missionary, companion of Saint Paul the Apostle. He is mentioned in various passages throughout the New Testament. Tradition holds that he may have been the first bishop of Corinth. Learn more about his life and m
Paul in the eastern Mediterranean(more) The church spread with astonishing rapidity. Already in the Acts of the Apostles its movement from one headquarters to another can be traced: Jerusalem, Damascus, and Antioch; the missions of St. Paul to Asia Minor (Tarsus, Iconium, Ephesus, and Cyprus...
Stephen’s feelings about the Temple seem to have been more completely negative than those of the first Christians generally; the latter, includingSt. Paul, continued to frequent it. Its sacrificialritesserved in many ways to shape the theological interpretation ofsalvationthrough the death of Jesu...
Paul in the eastern Mediterranean(more) The church spread with astonishing rapidity. Already in the Acts of the Apostles its movement from one headquarters to another can be traced: Jerusalem, Damascus, and Antioch; the missions of St. Paul to Asia Minor (Tarsus, Iconium, Ephesus, and Cyprus...