“No matter how much you change, please don’t forget there are people who care for you.”—Sailor Moon “Mamoru, each and every one of us have stars in our hearts, and you know that the star is shining when you feel that heat.”—Sailor Moon Best Quotes From Sailor Moon Series “...
Posted in Live Action Sailor Moon | Tagged Hina Kusaka, Jadeite, Kamekichi, Live Action Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Act 15, Live Action Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Act 16, Maririn, Memes, Motoki Furuhata, Naru Osaka, Queen Metalia, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Moon, Sailor Venus, Tuxedo Mask | 7...
Viz also put together a trailer for the English version of Season III. There shouldn’t be many surprises with these voices however as the same voice actors who provided the voices for Viz’s new dub of Sailor Moon S reprised those same roles for Sailor Moon Crystal. The Infinity Arc, l...
Posted inLive Action Sailor Moon|TaggedHina Kusaka,Jadeite,Kamekichi,Live Action Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Act 15,Live Action Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Act 16,Maririn,Memes,Motoki Furuhata,Naru Osaka,Queen Metalia,Sailor Mercury,Sailor Moon,Sailor Venus,Tuxedo Mask|7Replies Live Action Pretty Guar...