Internet resources, as an access point to personal computers, have been the focus of much criminal activities for extortion, blackmail, or identity theft since the advent of organized crime. This can come in the form of computer viruses, distributed denial-of-service attacks (DDoS), spyware, an...
During the pandemic, TikTok took off. We were all on it, spending countless hours scrolling through short videos. Nathan Apodaca (Doggface208) has talked candidly in multiple interviews stating that he was never “trying to go viral” rather he simply was having a bad day, his car wouldn’...
Raise your hand if you were on Sailor Moon x Tuxedo Mask erotic fanfiction Tumblr.Credit: Vicky Leta / Mashable "I just cannot imagine that kind of interplay existing anywhere else on the internet. For better or for worse, fandoms are now more separate community-wise," said Hampton. "But...
LOOK: 50 famous memes and what they mean With the infinite number of memes scattered across the internet, it's hard to keep track. Just when you've grasped the meaning of one hilarious meme, it has already become old news and replaced by something equally as enigmatic. Online forums like ...
“Man’s World” makes the case for an idyllic matriarchal society, while Marina decries all manner of injustice on the pop-rock-fueled “Purge the Poison.” Overall, it’s a sharp, poignant musical manifesto that finds the musician at her most powerful lyrically and sonically. — Erica ...
They both get caught again, and as if it wasn’t obvious, Graves is Colonel Moon, having had some “gene therapy” himself, and also quite obviously Frost is the double-agent that shopped Bond way back at the start of the movie. The price for her betrayal? Winning a gold medal in ...