I love these glass bottles – the entire Studio line comes in identical square bottles with the color on the label. No wasted space on the shelf, no guessing which ink or the color inside. Simple and functional. The color of the ink on the lid seems to be a bit more green than the ...
California comes in a small 20mL bottle made of glass (rather heavy for its size). It is the same size as the popular Sailor Studio inks. This ink is one that straddles the line between green and blue, although closer to the blue side. The ink sheens in both heavy applications and in...
As I stated above, Haha is a very difficult ink to compare and to show. It does have many of the same properties of Sailor Studio 162, but the halo colors remind me more ofSailor Studio 264. Shading is in line with Papier Plume Lake Michigan Winter, but the purple is close to Vinta...
Decrease Quantity of Sailor Ink Cartridges, Set of 12 Increase Quantity of Sailor Ink Cartridges, Set of 12 Add to Wish List Sailor's water-based ink cartridges are compatible with all Sailor fountain pens. Pack comes with 12 inks cartridges. Available in black, blue, and blue/black.0...
,wBuyBuy, E-WTO, 全球电商平台, 全球买,全球卖, 全世界各国人民都可以免费开店,互相做生意的全球电商平台. wBuyBuy Global 店铺(团队)位于:日本,店长:wBuyBuyJPStationery日本文具,我们几乎销售所有品牌的日本文具 空运直邮 北美/澳洲/中国内地及港澳台地区 中国内地发日
The Manyo inks are a recent new line from Sailor that is sold outside Japan only. Haha is one of those light, undersaturated but complex inks that are quite popular lately (eg. Sailor Ink Studio 123, 162, Troublemaker Abalone, Petrichor, etc.). Haha has
The three inks all behave like the Sailor Manyo inks although I did find the brown (Suiseki) to be a bit on the dry side. I wouldn’t classify it as a dry ink, but it was different than the other two inks. The first ink is Nori – seaweed. This color is closest to Sailor Epin...
写乐SAILOR 年轻利润[红色] 商品描述: Ja 商品コード 細字:11-0501-230 JANコード 細字:49-01680-10008-9 ペン先 ステンレスIPゴールド 蓋・胴・大先 AS樹脂/ブラック・レッド 金属部品 IPゴールド仕上げ 本体サイズ/th> φ15×136mm...
According to the package insert, Sailor North Dakota is “a soft green ink that brings to mind the vast grassy prairies home to the iconic bison hearts found in the state.” While I do love the color of this ink, I’m not sure it reminds me much of the color of grass. It is clos...
,wBuyBuy, E-WTO, 全球电商平台, 全球买,全球卖, 全世界各国人民都可以免费开店,互相做生意的全球电商平台. wBuyBuy Global 店铺(团队)位于:日本,店长:wBuyBuyJPStationery日本文具,我们几乎销售所有品牌的日本文具 空运直邮 北美/澳洲/中国内地及港澳台地区 中国内地发日