Some ink studios are banal and uninspiring. Some are innovative. I did not like 173. Dull ugly and incidentally dry: Down the sink. 150, 162, 240, 241, 243, 442, 543 have that decomposed # 123 hue complexity, but not all to the same extent. The lower numbers are good shaders. The...
Haha is one of those light, undersaturated but complex inks that are quite popular lately (eg. Sailor Ink Studio 123, 162, TroublemakerAbalone,Petrichor, etc.). Haha has a complex hue that ranges from a light cyan and green to dusty violet. It seems that the more ink is on paper, th...
The second ink in the States lineup is California. I appreciate that Sailor has a matching theme for these inks so far. California comes in a small 20mL bottle made of glass (rather heavy for its size). It is the same size as the popular Sailor Studio inks. This ink is one that str...
Today I’m reviewing Sailor Studio 264 – a light turquoise to teal ink. I love these glass bottles – the entire Studio line comes in identical square bottles with the color on the label. No wasted space on the shelf, no guessing which ink or the color inside. Simple and functional. T...
As I stated above, Haha is a very difficult ink to compare and to show. It does have many of the same properties of Sailor Studio 162, but the halo colors remind me more ofSailor Studio 264. Shading is in line with Papier Plume Lake Michigan Winter, but the purple is close to Vinta...