Or sail it as is, as I have done many times, and many before me. There is a brand new composting toilet Natures Head ready to be installed. Along with lots of other items. I paid $7K for the boat in May 2021 and clearly have put a lot into it. Priced for quick sale. I am ...
we continued south, finally in a wide enough section of the ICW that we could put out some sail. Winds were about 25 kts from the north and it was a bit rough, even inside the ICW. At one point I heard Capt. Mike say “Huh.” and when I gave him a questioning look, he said...
Whenever a Sea Sprite under sail would pass into view, Herb would become animated and turn to me an say, “Bob, look at that boat. Look how beautiful she is.” Herb was right; there’s nothing quite as beautiful as a Sea Sprite under sail beating to weather. Herb’s insights into ...
Building the Wood/Epoxy Optimist In 1947 a gentleman named Clark Mills designed a small sail boat for kids to learn to build and sail called the Optimist. This boat was designed to be built from 3 sheets of plywood, with basic woodworking abilities. As time progressed, builders began to mo...
The Tools You Need to Sail Across the Pacific There is no way for me to write a succinct list of all the tools you need to sail across the Pacific Ocean. For every system on the boat, you need tools to maintain and repair it. But I wouldn’t want to leave port without: ...
In a barge, if the waves are not dangerously steep – nowhere near enough to tip the boat past its point of secondary stability – and the sail is managed cautiously, then the angle on the waves is really not the boat trying to roll over; it’s just adapting to the surface of the ...
one other sailboat waaaaayyyy ahead of us. Ah, there are Matt and Kari, behind us about 1/2 mile. Doopie doopie doo. We’re motoring up the river. It’s nice and quiet. Serenity is going along nicely. Cool, the wind is out of the Southwest. Awright, time to raise the sail!
Melody (Saving to Sail) October 24, 2014 Hey Myles! Well, let me tell you, it’s not all sunshine and rum drinks. As I am typing this, I’m up in the Chesapeake Bay where the temperatures are getting down in the 40’s at night. I have a small space heater that I borrowed fr...
I already disassembled and lubed the Main Winch (Barient 23) last year, but this year my port side jib winch started getting funky. High friction and a high pitched squeal when spinning fast. While disassembling, it turned out to be a rusty bearing. Here’s how I made the repair: ...
Sailing World's Boat of the Year award for Best Dinghy in 2015. Like new condition. Stored indoors. This boat is very stable and can be sailed solo or with up to 4 adults. It is fast and a real pleasure to sail. I bought another (bigger) boat, so I need to sell this one. ...